Encyclopedia Titanica

Eino Viljam Panula

Third Class Passenger

Master Eino Viljami Panula, 1, was born on 10 March, 1911, The son of Juha and Maria Panula, he boarded the Titanic at Southampton with his mother and four brothers. They were travelling to Coal Centre, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to join their father.

Eino died in the sinking; while a tentative 2002 identification gave him as the identity of body 4 recovered by the MacKay Bennett, it was suggested in 2007 that this body in fact belonged to Sidney Goodwin.

References and Sources

Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988, 1996) Titanic, Rabén, Stockholm.
White Star Line (1912.) Record of Bodies and Effects (Passengers and Crew S.S. "Titanic") Recovered by Cable Steamer "MacKay Bennett" Including Bodies Buried at Sea and Bodies Delivered at Morgue in Halifax, N.S. Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N.S., Manuscript Group 100, Vol. 229, No. 3d, Accession 1976-191, 76 pp., unpaged. (#4)

Research Articles

Alan Ruffman Titanica! (2011) The Final Identification of the Unknown Child
Identification of Body No. 4 in Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax

Newspaper Articles

The Daily Notes (22 April 1912) Charleroi Man Loses Family
John Panula Had Home Ready for Wife and Children


Keith C. Titley, Bruce R. Pynn, Robert Chernecky, John T. Mayhall, Gajanan V. Kulkarni, Alan Ruffman Journal of the Canadian Dental Association (2004) The Titanic Disaster: Dentistry's Role in the Identification of an 'Unknown Child'
A small pair of brown shoes have provided the determining factor in deciding the true identity of Titanic's Unknown child.

In the Titanic Store

Ulla Appelsin (2003) Titanicin tuntematon lapsi, Ajatus Kirjat


Leif Snellman, Helsinki, Finland

Comment and discuss

  1. Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    are you from Finland? I am from Helsinki.
  2. Maritha Boström

    Maritha Boström

    Perhaps this has been mentioned in some other thread, but if not: You can only be a descendent to someone who had children. Eino is not your ancestor, nor your great grandfather. He is just related to you. Had your grandmother's mother, or so, been a daughter of Eino, he would have been your ancestor and thus you would have been his descendent. Best regards, Maritha the genealogy freak as well as Titanic freak
  3. Marilyn Lena Penner

    Marilyn Lena Penner

    Is this right? Eino's mother and your great-great grandmother were sisters. So, Eino and your great-grandmother (or great-grandfather) were first cousins. Eino dies at thirteen months old, so he did not have children. Since children descend from their parents, and the parents from their parents. (they make up the branches on the family tree), Eino did not have any descendants. (No branches come after his name) Meanwhile, your great-grandparent had a child (your grand-mother) who had a child (your father or mother) who had a child (you) You and Eino are descended from your great-great-great grandparents and their ancestors (They are the ancestors you and he have in common), but you are not descended from Eino. My brothers and I are descended from my parents. My brothers' children are descended from my parents; but they are not descended from me. (I think as their aunt, I am their 'co-lateral ancestor', along with my own aunts and uncles; but I've probably got... Read full post
  4. Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    they took dna from my grandma to match us with Eino, that is how (plus our tree )we are related.
  5. Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    So as to clear that People magazine picture of the"unknown child" it is NOT Eino, but his sister Emma Iida, aged 2, with their father Juha and five-months- pregnant mother, Maija. Emma and the baby (Lyydia) who Maija is carrying both died young. Emma died in 1910 and the baby (Lyydia) died at 6 months of age. Just so everyone knows.
  6. Alex Handyside

    Alex Handyside

    It's been known since 2007 that #4, formerly the 18 month old 'Unknown Child,' is not Eino Panula (who was only 13mo), but rather Sidney Leslie Goodwin (who was 18mo).

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Master Eino Viljam Panula
Age: 1 years 1 month and 5 days (Male)
Nationality: Finnish American
Last Residence: in Ylihärmä, Finland
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 3101295, £39 13s 9d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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