Howard Brown Case

I found out that I may have had relations on the titanic can you tell me his caben number Mr Howard Brown Case I in joyed youer websit thanks Millard Case

Millard D Case
Baltimore Md
I am related to a passenger on the Titanic - on my father's side of the family. My father's name was William Marion Adelbert Case, he was born on April 12, 1910 in Aberdeen, South Dakota. Since I was a child, my late father had told me of a relative of his - going down on The Titanic. His name was Howard Brown Case, and he was in First Class. His name appears in the Passenger Lists of all the Titanic books. I attended the Titanic Exhibit at The CA Science Museum yesterday, (7/3/3) hoping to learn a bit more about him. His name was on the Passenger List on dislay in the exhibit, as well. I was able to get a bit more information - but not nearly as much as I'd like to have. I'd really like to find out how he was related to my father. If anyone can help me with more information on Mr. Howard Brown Case, I would be extremely grateful.
Thank you, Maureen (Case) Davis
Maureen, There's a bit about Howard Case on this site. He was an American who lived at times in England.

You can attack the problem from two directions, using material on the public record. Work backwards through your ancestry for a start. That way you start with the known facts. You can look the other way by using old records, such as the 1901 census of England, which is online, though the detailed information is not free. Another source is local newspapers, which often contain things like marriages and obituaries of local identities. If you can get some dates you will know where to start looking.
Does anyone have any more information on Howard Case than is already posted here? I am especially interested in what became of his family (wife, two sons and two daughters) after the disaster.

They were living in England at the time (he was working for Vacuum Oil/Standard Oil) and they were originally from Rochester, New York. Did they return there?

Thanks for any help anyone can give me on this.
Howard Case's widow was the former Elizabeth Crowther; they had four children - Helen, born in 1890, John C., b. 1892, Charles E. (or J.), b. 1893 and Honor Elizabeth, b. 1894. Helen was born in England when the Cases were residing in Toxeth Park; the latter three were born while the family lived in Rochester, NY prior to relocating back to England.

As far as I've found, the surviving family returned to the states in the summer of 1912 and lived briefly in Mrs. Case's native Baltimore, Maryland before returning to Rochester. Elizabeth died in 1939, if I recall correctly. She was buried next to her parents in Cockeysville, Maryland and Howard is memorialized on her stone. I visited the grave back in '98, but at the time I wasn't that interested in Elizabeth's story so unfortunately I didn't take notes on her or her parents.


Here's a picture I took of the grave, though it leaves much to be desired (Imperfect lighting, imperfect photographer, etc.) The inscription for Howard reads:
In Memory of Her Husband
Howard Brown Case
Died on Titanic April 15, 1912
Aged 49 years.

I do not know what became of their children in the long run, though the 1930 US census indicates that John followed in his father's trade.