Encyclopedia Titanica

Henry B. Harris (2)

Billboard Magazine

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Loses Life When Ill-Fated Titanic Sinks –
Other Victims Of Disaster Connected With Amusement Field Include Albert A. Stewart, Emil Brandeis
and Franz Addelmann – Dorothy Gibson Saved

New York, April 20 (Special to Billboard). – Henry B. Harris, the well-known theatrical manager, was among those who met death in the sinking of the White Star Liner Titanic on last Monday morning. Mr. Harris was returning from Europe, accompanied by Mrs. Harris.

When the ship was sinking, Mr. Harris carried Mrs. Harris, who had been a victim of an accident the day before, fracturing her shoulder blade, from her cabin and placed her in one of the boats along with other women. It is said that he asked the officers if he would be allowed to accompany Mrs. Harris to attend her, but when informed that he could not stepped aside saying, "I understand. The women must go first."

When Mrs. Harris saw her husband last, he was calmly waving goodbye to her from the deck of the Titanic.

Henry B. Harris died like a brave man.

Henry B. Harris was born in St. Louis in 1866 and inherited his theatrical tendencies and talent from his father, William B. Harris, then associated with Klaw & Erlanger.

He was president of the National Producing Managers of America and director of the Theatre Managers’ Association of Greater New York. Throughout the last ten years his productions have been great success. Quite recently he has directed the plays of a large number of stars, the list including Helen Ware, Robert Edeson, Rose Stahl, Elsie Ferguson, Ruth St. Denis, Frank McIntyre, Dorothy Donnelly and Edmund Breese. Mr. Harris owned three of the handsomest playhouses in New York City, the Hudson, the Fulton and the Harris, formerly the Hackett.

He was married in 1898 to Miss Irene Wallach of Washington.

A complete biography of Henry B. Harris appeared in the Billboard issue of December 2, 1911.

In addition to Mr. Harris, there were a number of others connected with the amusement field who were passengers of the ill-fated Titanic and who are believed to have lost their lives. These include Albert A. Stewart, Eastern representative of the Strobridge Lithographing Company of Cincinnati and connected with the Ringlings’ circus interest; Emil Brandeis, manager of the Brandeis Opera House, Omaha, Neb; and Frank Addelmann, leader of the Seattle Orchestra, who was accompanied by his wife.

Miss Dorothy Gibson, prominent moving picture actress and leading lady of the American Éclair Company, and her mother, were also passengers and among the survivors who reached port on the rescue ship Carpathia.

NOTE: Mr. and Mrs. Addelmann were not aboard the Titanic


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Henry B. Harris (2) (Billboard Magazine, Saturday 27th April 1912, ref: #4054, published 24 October 2004, generated 27th June 2024 08:09:03 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/henry-b-harris-3.html