Encyclopedia Titanica

Ambrose Hood

Mr Ambrose Hood Jr was born on 14 April 1891 in Bramshaw, England, a small parish straddling the Hampshire and Wiltshire borders. He was baptised on 21 June that same year.

He was the son of Ambrose Hood (b. 1847), a carpenter, and Sarah Jane Dibden (b. 1850). His father was a native of Plaitford, Wiltshire and his mother of Bramshaw and they were married in 1867.

One of ten surviving children from a total of eleven, Ambrose' siblings were: Mary (b. 1869), Frank (b. 1872), Ernest (b. 1874), Harry (b. 1878), Michael (b. 1880), Mabel (b. 1883), Hope (b. 1884), Tom Harvey (b. 1887) and Dora Sarah (b. 1894).

In the months prior to Ambrose' birth his family were recorded on the 1891 census living at Furzley in Bramshaw and they would be at the same address through to the 1911 census. By the time of the latter record Ambrose Jr was described as an unmarried farm labourer. Living close by, among other family, was his aunt and uncle William and Eliza Dibden and his cousin William Dibden.

Ambrose boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a second class passenger (joint ticket number 14879 which cost £73, 10s) and he was travelling with his cousin William Dibden, Charles Henry Davies, Percy William Deacon, Leonard Mark Hickman , Lewis Hickman and Stanley George Hickman, all from the same locale. He was travelling to Eden, Manitoba.

Ambrose Hood died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

His father died in 1922, aged 75, and his mother in 1950 aged 100. He is remembered on their headstone in St Peter's Churchyard, Bramshaw:


The seven men are also remembered on a memorial plaque in St Peter's Church:

Percy Deacon 17 Years old
William Dibden 18 Years Old
Charles Henry Davies 19 Years Old
Ambrose Hood 21 Years Old
Stanley George Hickman 21 Years Old
Leonard Mark Hickman 24 Years Old
Lewis Hickman 32 Years Old
All Of The Parish Who Were Lost In The Wreck Of The
S S Titanic On April 15th 1912 Through Collision With An
Iceberg In The Atlantic

References and Sources

Marriages, Births, Deaths and Injuries, White Star Line 1912 (PRO London, BT 100/260)

Newspaper Articles

Portsmouth Evening News (26 April 1912) Items Of Interest
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  1. KHMy fake name

    He was my great great grandpa he lived
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Ambrose Hood Jr
Age: 21 years and 1 day (Male)
Nationality: English
Marital Status: Single
Last Residence: in Fritham, Hampshire, England
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 14879, £73 10s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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