Encyclopedia Titanica

Hans Kristensen Givard

Hans Givard Grave 305
Left: Hans Kristensen Givard.
Right: His grave in Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, N.S.
(Photo: © Bill Fowler, Dundas, Ontario, Canada).

Hans Kristensen Givard was born 29 November 1884 at Kölsen, Vorde parish in Viborg, Denmark. His father was a Laust Christensen (Givard)1, a farm owner who was born 11 February 1846 at Kölsen and who in 1911 lived in Vorde, Nörlyng, Viborg, Denmark. His mother was Bodil (nee Sorensen; she was also a native of Kölsen) Givard, born 14 April 1859. His parents had married 4 August 1876 at Vorde and Fiskbaek, Viborg, Denmark.

Living with the family in 1911 were his siblings Martin, born 13 (or 18) December 1888, Dorthea, b. 31 March 1891, and Laura Boline, b. 16 August 1895. He also had a sister, Ane Marie Margaretha, born 20 October 1882, and two other brothers, Niels Kristian, b. 29 June 1893 and Jens, b. 12 March 1880, who apparently had left the family home at the time. The family belonged to the Church of Denmark.

Hans Christensen Givard was a well-travelled bachelor who grabbed the chances that life threw at him. He had come to New York 24 January 1907, aged 22, listed as a farmhand bound for a friend in Tulare, California, a Mr. G. Christensen. He may have stayed there for some time before going back to Denmark and then to Argentina.

In 1912, he had been on a visit to Vorde and was now going back to North America, together with Einer Windeløv, who travelled third class, and blacksmith Martin Ponesell, who travelled second class with Mr. Givard.

His family did not know he was on the Titanic he could not bear to say farewell to his mother again, so he left without saying good-bye.

Only after the disaster were the family told that he had been on the Titanic. His body was recovered (#305) and his belongings were sent home.


CLOTHING - Dark brown striped suit; black overcoat; white shirt marked "D. M."; no socks; one white shoe; pink drawers.

EFFECTS - $55.00 in bills in pocketbook; keys; silver watch and compass; ?8 3s. 6d., and foreign coins in purse.


A relative took care of the watch and tried to make it go by shaking it but without success. He then threw it away as worthless.

Givard was buried at Fairview Cemetery, Halifax on 10 May, 1912.


  1. The name Givard turns up in his family in 1906 for the first time; before that, they went by Kristensen or Christensen.

References and Sources

Record of Bodies and Effects: Passengers and Crew, S.S. Titanic (Public Archives of Nova Scotia) (#305)
Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988, 1996, 1999) Titanic. Prisma, Stockholm. ISBN 91 518 3644 0
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  1. Mauro Zungri

    Hello frineds!!!! they have noticed that I am of Argentina and nonsingle I look for information of my tí¬o James Vivian Drew if not also of the Argentina in the Titanic. Today it finds out to me that Mr. Givard of Diamarca but which was in my country somebody can add something mí s of info that in ET. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! In Spanish HOLA MAIGOS!!!, han notado que soy de Argentina y no solo busco information de mi tí¬o James Vivian Drew si no tambien de los argentinos en el Titanic. Hoy me entere que el Mr. Givard era de Diamarca pero que estuvo en mi paí¬s. Alguien puede agregar algo mí s de la informacií²n que se encuntra en ET MUCHAS MUCHAS MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Mette McCall

    I found 3rd class passenger Hans Givard in an Argentinian immigrant database, he worked on the pampas prior to boarding Titanic and I'm trying to find out what he gave as his job title. The database says: Profesion: LDW.ARB I don't know if this could be German for "Landarbeiter" (he was a farmer and the ship came from Hamburg) of if it's a known Spanish abbreviation for something else?
  3. Mette McCall

    And yes of course, Givard was 2nd class, not 3rd. Thanks to the editor for moving my post to the appropriate place!
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Hans Kristensen Givard
Age: 27 years 4 months and 16 days (Male)
Nationality: Danish
Marital Status: Single
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 250646, £13
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body recovered by: Mackay-Bennett (No. 305)
Buried: Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on Friday 10th May 1912

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