You're welcome, Joao!
>I normally write since 10pm to 2am<

Woah, I didn't think that those times even existed! When do you sleep ? '-)

>Music circulates in my home during the all day and my mother is always saying that I hear too much music in my iPod.<

Ditto that here - both my parents think the same about me

"...I didn't think that those times even existed!..."

It's obvious that I just write in these times when I'm on holidays, not during the school period, of course! And even when I go to bed early I need someone to wake me up (I've some sleep problems).

But recently I'm writing very often during the day.

Thanks, João
Hi Carla!

I just wanted to say that unfortunately I'm unable to send my draw to you (I didn't forgot your ask!) because it's drew on normal printer paper and I digitalized that but, as you know, the maximum size for images here in ET must be less than 35 kilobytes. Well, I could only reduce it to 94! I'm so sorry... but don't mind. The accurance of it is poor and the two paper pieces don't match (in one I drew the boat deck a bit

Best regards, João
Don't worry about it '-)

If you want you could email it to me...


PS. Sorry it took so long to reply - I'm on vacation now and this was the first opportunity I've had to get to a computer.
Hi Carla! Thanks for answering!

The draw was so badly done that I've a bit of shame to expose it (although this, I drew the davits, the lifeboats and the portholes giving attention to details and the hull's size is more or less accurate). Well, I'm going to see what I can do for you.

Regards, João
Thanks, João! I bet you did great with drawing it


PS. Can you send it to [edited to remove information for privacy reasons - JDT] please - coz if you send it via the 'send personal message' thing it gets lost on my account...
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Hello Carla! Sorry for my impoliteness of taking so much time to reply but I only saw your post right know.

I'll send you as soon as possible. I tried to post it here but it was too big and then I choose to send it to you via private message, but I don't know how to put images on it. So, I deleted the digitalization I've made and I have to digitalize it again.

Best wishes,
>Sorry for my impoliteness of taking so much time to reply but I only saw your post right now<

I don't think it's impolite
I took even longer to reply, so I should be the one apologizing '-)

As for the picture, thanks so much for everything you're doing
You're a great guy to be doing this, but if it doesn't work just say it - I won't hold it against you.

I think if we want to continue this conversation we should do it outside of this thread as we are going rather off-topic...

Yes Carla! I was able to put it in your email but you would only see black spots. It was nothing special.

And I do apologize to the members and moderators for this conversation going too far away from the original issue.

Regards, João
Greetings All,
I don't have a Titanic room but I have stuff in various places around my apartment.
A framed 14"x20" lobby card from ANTR hangs above a very colorful Titanic beach towel (never used, of course and NOT a scene from the 1997 movie) just outside my bathroom. I have an old cast iron bank---push the lever and your coins drop into the bottom, and the Titanic hits the iceberg, head-on, sorry Mr. Murdoch!---on a shelf in the bath. Also on that shelf are a couple of bars of Vinolia soap (alongside my "Bates Motel" soap!).
Books and a 2'x3' map in and above the bookcases and a four inch long brass "model"---just a likeness really but it has sails and lines, etc.---on a shelf of my entertainment center.
Any day now I should be receiving an E-Bay purchase of a postcard depicting the sinking Titanic and iceberg formation that's here in Colorado. The main thing that convinced me to buy that is the Iowa postmark it carries. That's my home state. And that will be in a see-through frame so you can see the rock formation as well as the postmarked side.
A White Star coffee mug, purchased at the 1998 Boston exhibition, finishes my collection. So far!!!
It's not so much a room anymore ...

I've a climate controlled office in our basement that contains the vast majority of my Titanic and ship-related collections. For most of the years that we've been married (25 at last count) we have had kids in the house and so I've displayed little of the collection.

Still, many photographs and paintings are hung, and now that our youngest is in college full time we have both brought out items for display and have plans to do more of this in the near future.

I specialize in the Titanic, but the two other areas of expertise that encroach on my office are printing history and the Statler Hotels Company. I only wish that I had the quantity of flatware and china from White Star ships that I do from the Statlers -- I can feed ten people using matching service from two patterns currently! (That has all been locked away in the office so that the kid's friends don't "explore" and the cats don't try to get territorial.)

I've quite a network of people that look for and pass along anything Titanic or ship related. But the best is my wife Donna -- she has, in recent years, found and bought for me an ever growing collection of what we call "tacky Titanic"; anything from a Titanic bath tub stopper to knives, keyfobs and even the famous Titanic-bot!

Since I've been interested in the Titanic for 30 plus years, the collection threatens to outgrow the office soon -- probably time to start selling off duplicates.