14 april 1912

  1. William Oakes

    14 April menu

    Real or Fake? Opinions welcome. Thank You!
  2. glare.png


    The Titanic as she appeared on April 14th-15th, 1912.
  3. A

    Were the officers trained and prepared for a disaster like april 14th?

    Borrowing this quote from Steven Carrey, which he posted on my other thread :) Quote When things go wrong, those that know the ship well, generally know what to do in an emergency. Fire and boat drills are mandatory and usually well practiced. End quote. Everyone knows I adore those...
  4. Jim Currie

    Titanic Engine running time from Noon on April 14th.

    The number of hours which Titanic's engines were running at full speed from Noon on April 14 to the moment she hit that iceberg and finally came to a halt is crucial to the understanding of Titanic's naviagtion errors i.e. why her wreck was found 12.5 miles short of her distress position. So...
  5. J

    The Last Watch aboard Titanic: Ship's Bells for April 14th, 2012

    They Never Heard Eight Bells In another post I had an idea I think is intriguing enough to merit a post of its own. It's a suggestion for something to do in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Unfortunately it is a bit late and I don't imagine many people...
  6. Kier Home

    Titanic The Musical makes berth in Hertfordshire, April 14th 2012.

    APRIL 14TH 1912 — On a moonless night, RMS Titanic strikes an Iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean, four days from beginning her maiden voyage. Within two hours, she vanishes beneath the ocean, taking over 1,517 souls with her. APRIL 14TH 2012 — Leading performers from local companies will take to...
  7. M

    14 April 1912 menu

    At 3:41 p.m (Pacific time) CNN World news reported that Henry Aldrige is auctioning a TITANIC menu, dated 14 April. The menu survived, as in most cases, by means of having been inserted into the pocket of a woman survivor, and as of this day is in possesion of a direct descendant...of which the...
  8. P

    Quiet Reflections on April 14th

    I got this idea from a website somewhere (Nic...something)....with April 14th only 1 1/2 months away, would anyone be interested in "quiet reflections" meetings..basically, sit up and talk, have a few sherries, watch a few Titanic related items late on April 14th/early 15th to mark the event...
  9. P

    The Drift on 14th April 1912

    From Ballard's "The Discovery of the Titanic", he mentions that the drift was obtained from the Californian's logbook: 0.7 knots to the SSE I recall. Is this true, and if so, why has it never received great prominence? And if true, how was it calculated (a log?) and at what time? Best wishes...
  10. R

    Divine service sunday april 14th

    Hello dear people, In many Titanic books and stories, there are divine services mentioned on sunday april 14th. Also the Cameron movie shows this service. I would like to know if this service in first class was only Anglican/Protestant or interdenominational (oeff what a difficult word)...