1. RonJF2

    Bruce Ismay on the Adriatic return voyage 5/2/1912

    Hello, Does anyone know what cabin Bruce Ismay had on his return voyage from New York to England aboard the Adriatic after the U.S. Inquiry? Was he just a "regular passenger" on that ship as he allegedly was on the Titanic? Also isn't it interesting that when he left aboard the Adriatic he sent...
  2. T

    Lifeboat 2 question-

    Greetings, Lifeboat 2 question- Encyclopedia Titanic shows 18 survivors but another website titled Titanic.Fandom list 24 survivors on Lifeboat 2 including the following family who were immigrating from Syria/Lebanon. Is Encyclopedia Titanic missing them or is Fandom incorrectly adding them? Any...
  3. M

    News from 1902: Maiden voyage of Athenic

    The Evening Post, Wellington, 2 April 1902 Retrieved from the National Library of New Zealand web site ATHENIC, FROM LONDON --- Early this morning the new White Star liner Athenic arrived in the stream from London via Capetown and Hobart. At 7 o'clock the Port Health Officer boarded the...
  4. M

    News from 1902 Launch of Arabic II

    The Times, 20 December 1902 LAUNCH OF A WHITE STAR LINER---The White Star liner Arabic was launched from Messrs. Harland and Wolff's yard at Belfast on Thursday. She is similar in type to the Cedric, launched by the same builders last August, but is smaller. Her principal measurements...
  5. M

    News from 1902: Launch of the Cedric

    The Times, 22 August 1902 LAUNCH OF THE CEDRIC --- The White Star liner Cedric, the largest vessel in the world, was launched yesterday morning from Harland and Wolff's yard, Belfast, in the presence of a large gathering. The White Star Line has now the distinction of owning three of...
  6. M

    The Coronations of 1902 and 1911

    I very much enjoyed participating in the recent discussion on the presentation of debutantes at the English Court. I therefore think it is high time I started a new thread devoted to information and anecdotes about the two great 'State' occasions of the Edwardian Era - the Coronations of Edward...
  7. M

    News from 1902 The Creation of IMM

    As I write this, in this part of the world there are still 21 minutes left of the 100th anniversary of the formal creation of the International Mercantile Marine Company, which owned the White Star Line from 1902 until 1926. These two articles appeared the next day. The various lists of names...