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    News (?) from 1904: JBI denounces fishing

    MAB note: As always, I do not vouch for the accuracy of what's reported in this article, only that this is in fact what was reported. The Los Angeles Herald, 20 April 1904 Retrieved from the California Digital Newspaper Collection web site, California Digital Newspaper Collection A Word to...
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    News from 1904 Final sailing of Gaelic II

    The San Francisco Call, 13 December 1904 Retrieved from the California Digital Newspaper Collection web site, http://cdnc.ucr.edu/cdnc/cgi-bin/cdnc?a=p&p=home Gaelic Sails To-Day --- The liner Gaelic, which has been sailing in and out of this port for twenty years, to-day will leave San...
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    News from 1904: Retirement of Superintendent Engineer Horsburgh

    The Advertiser, Adelaide, 5 November 1904 Retrieved from the National Library of Australia web site, http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper PERSONAL *** One of the most famous engineers connected with Liverpool's maritime trade is about to retire. This is Mr. Stewart Gordon Horsburgh...
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    News from 1904 Death of Capt Armstrong

    MAB note: I have only come across Capt. Armstrong as a commander on the White Star/Occidental & Oriental transpacific service and have no information about any other aspect of his career at sea. The San Francisco Call, 9 November 1904 Retrieved from the California Digital Newspaper...
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    News from 1904: Maiden White Star voyage of Tropic II

    The Advertiser, Adelaide, 5 September 1904 Retrieved from the National Library of Australia web site, http://newspapers.nla.gov.au/ SHIPPING NEWS *** The Tropic, the second of two steamers purchased by the White Star Company for their Australian trade, arrived at the anchorage from...
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    MAB Note: The ships described here are rather clearly NOT Carmania and Caronia, but rather Lusitania and Mauretania. The New York Times, 22 May 1904 CONTRACTS MADE FOR GREAT CUNARD TURBINES --- Caronia and Carmania the Names---Speed 25 Knots --- ENGINES WILL BE MONSTERS --- Power...
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    News from 1904: Maiden Voyage of Baltic II

    Baltic II made her maiden New York arrival on 8 July 1904 and this article was published the next day, which was a Saturday. The New York Times, 9 July 1904 GREATEST SHIP EVER BUILT COMES TO PORT --- White Star Liner Baltic Completes Maiden Voyage --- STEAMSHIP 726 FEET LONG ---...