allison family

  1. Stéfany Royer

    Allison memorabilia

    Hello! I have seen a few old posts here on the forum regarding a "museum" that holds memories of the Allison family such as family albums (which I would love to see in person), newspaper articles, and even a bowl that belonged to Bess. However, some posts seemed to say that these items were...
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Mrs Allison with Loraine and Trevor
  3. Encyclopedia Titanica

    1911 Census - Allison Family
  4. T

    Helen Loraine Allison/Kramer - Survivor TITANIC Mystery

    I am the granddaughter of Helen Lorraine Kramer who was told that she was actually Helen Lorraine Allison and who was listed as a victim of the Titanic disaster. She was the Daughter of Hudson J. & Bess Allison, first class passengers and who are known to have both perished with the sinking...
  5. J

    An interesting letter from Alice Cleaver

    I found a letter that Alice Cleaver wrote to Walter Lord: "I was acting as a nurse to the two children of Mr and Mrs Allison. Having taken the position two weeks before we sailed as their own nurse decided not to go at the last moment - Lorraine was 3 years old at the time and Trevor 10...
  6. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Allison Family Home in Chesterville, Ontario, Canada
  7. E

    Allison family on the promenade who saw them

    Apologies if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer. Who claims to have seen the Allisons 'smiling' on the promenade deck? It doesn't seem to fit with Peuchen's account, but I can't find a source for this beyond Loraine's bio, and it doesn't say there where this came from...
  8. M

    Mrs Allison searching for her son or refused to leave her husband

    i have been doing some research on this and would like some opinions/help or any kind of co operation even if its to tell me my research has been a big waste of time lol. I have been searching for anything which says that Bess Allison was searching for Trevor. i have been told that Alice...
  9. L

    Mrs Allison and Sarah Daniels

    Someone else has probably already posted something like this, but were Mrs. Allison (nee Daniels) and her maid Sarah Daniels related at all?
  10. M

    Sarah Daniels

    does any one know what became of sarah daniels after the disaster, like if she married and had children and when she died? thanks
  11. L

    Why did Mrs Allison panic?

    hi why did mrs allison panic when told the ship woul -ld sink??anybody no?? leonard
  12. D

    Allison Family History

    Hi Ernest, I am sorry for not getting back to you concerning your question about Ela Deeks. I am not quite sure how Miss Deeks is related to the Hudson Allison family. I think she is either a cousin or a niece. However, there are several here who visited the Allison homeplace last year and may...
  13. Shelley Dziedzic

    The Allison Family Remembered

    The recent visit to the family farm in Ontario brought back in a poignant way the real loss of the tragedy that was Titanic. To stand in the house, walk the paths, and stand at the gravesite of victims of any tragedy, puts a certain humanity to the faces which stare from the pages of books and...