barbara west

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    Barbara Dainton West auction items

    Hi. I collect autographs from titanicsurvivors and I want to sell one of my autographs from Barbara Dainton. She is as you probably know one of the two last living survivors. She personally signed two pages of my A Night To remember book in Cornwall when I by chance got to meet her. I also...
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    Barbara West

    Hi, Isint it Barbara West Dainton's birthday today? She turns 91. Happy Birthday!!! How is she by the way, anyone with updates? Thanks, Andrew Maheux
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    Barbara West and Lillian Asplund

    Hi, Has there been any recent pictures taken of Barbara West or Lillian Asplund who refuse to speak about Titanic? and have they ever told anything to researchers or family about the sinking that their mothers might have told them? Thank you Andrew