
  1. Arun Vajpey

    Question 3 Bells from the Crow's Nest

    Is there any information about the average frequency with which the lookouts in the Crow's Nest rang 3 bells because they saw - or thought they saw - an object ahead in the ship's path during transatlantic voyages in the early part of the 20th century leading up to the Titanic disaster? There is...
  2. H.M.S. Victory

    Which of Titanic's bells were rung every half-hour?

    Was it the one on the bridge, the one at the base of the mast, or the one in the crow's nest? I need some help with this, do any of you here know which one of Titanic's bells were rung at every half-hour?
  3. Christophe Puttemans

    3 gongs not directly before collision?

    On the timeline here on ET, the moment of the 3 bells by Fleet are set a whole 5 minutes before the collision. This seems just wrong. That time is inputed from the testimony of Joseph Scarrott: Pretty much everyone appears to agree that the bell was rung to alert for the iceberg itself, not...