boat deck

  1. M

    Boat Deck Features

    I've been studying the Titanic since Jr. High School (1980 - I'm old), and I am just now giving a thorough examination of the deck plans as available from this site. I have a couple questions as to the features on the boat deck, and I am sure I will have some on each successive deck as well...
  2. Sarah S

    How long to walk from 3rd class to the boat deck?

    Good morning everyone, I have tried to get into the construction of the titanic but I find it a bit difficult at first. My question is, how long would it take for a person who is in his cabin in 3rd class to walk to the boat deck? We know that many 3rd class passengers couldn’t navigate...
  3. Sarah S

    When did the boat deck start to get crowded?

    Hello~ I was wondering at what exact time did the boat deck start to get crowded to the point officers had to hold back passengers from jumping into a lifeboat and when some men managed to secretly sneak into boats without getting caught? It is said that the first boats launched by Murdoch...
  4. J

    Window near 3rd funnel

    Hi, I hope this is the best pace to post this. I'm interested in any information confirming or denying the existence of a forward-facing window that may or may not have existed in a storage room(?) just port of the 3rd funnel. I have indicated this location with a red circle, opposite from...
  5. K

    Question Wood oil used on boat deck

    I recently was able to purchase a section of Olympic's decking. After I sand off all the dirt and grime. I know it's going to need a good oil. I would like to use something as close to what they would have originally used on the boat deck. I just don't know what type of traditional wood oil to use?
  6. Yuriko Cheng

    Stewards on Boat Deck

    I was looking at the plans for the Boat Deck and I realised there were no rooms for stewards on that deck. In the case that a passenger on Boat Deck needed the assistance of a steward, would someone have to climb all the way up from A Deck or B Deck? I don't imagine that White Star would leave...
  7. Cam Houseman

    Is this Titanic or Olympic's Boat deck??

    Does anyone know which ship it is? It was said to be Olympic, but a friend said it was Titanic I appreciate the help y'all :)
  8. Cam Houseman

    Why did Titanic sink faster when her Boat Deck began to flood?

    Why did she? I don't really get it, unless I'm missing something. I mean, it was reported Titanic began to sink faster, but she sank super fast after the Bridge began to flood. Why is that?
  9. E

    Route from well deck to boat deck

    Can anyone point me to pictures or plans of the ladderway from the well deck to the boat deck? I'm trying to understand how passengers from the third class reached the boat deck from the well deck. I know Wilding said there were ladders intended for this purpose, but I can't find them on the...
  10. data-science-dad

    Titanic Boat Deck

    Hey all, I am continuing (slowly) to progress on the Titanic model on Minecraft. After two months, I have finally finished the boat deck (mostly). Before continuing to A-deck, I wanted to try and get some constructive criticism on how I applied the deck plans for this first phase. If anyone...
  11. data-science-dad

    Height of structures on boat deck

    Hi All, even with the purchsed plans I am jnable to discern specific **height** measurements of the various structures on *boat deck*. Am I missing it? I have been able to find other measurements in reports and various studies/websites but the following are escaping me for actual height: - 2nd...
  12. Seungho Kang

    Boat deck resurfacing

    As we all know, physics don't support the v-break theory. However, there were survivors on the boat deck that felt it rising. But 2nd officer Lightoller saw the ship take a dive while he was at or near the starboard side of the ship. “The ship then took a dive, and I turned face forward and also...
  13. C

    Britannic boat deck vent changes from Titanic

    Hello, This is my first post and I am hoping some fellow members can help with my HMHS Britannic research project. I am wanting to find out if anyone knows the changes made to Britannic’s (from Titanic) vents and smaller details on the boat deck and the deck houses? Are any plans available...
  14. J

    Time to get from G deck to the boat deck

    Hello everyone I am interested in understanding the approximate time it would have taken to traverse certain distances within the Titanic in order to gain a better perception of her size and also to ponder the journey an unlucky passenger may have embarked on during the final minutes of the...
  15. A

    What are these Items on the Boat Deck?

    Pictures provided by Here is a photo of the Olympic's boat deck around 1912. Assuming that the Titanic had a similar design, does anyone know what these items are? A railing surrounding two strange objects? And are these pieces of equipment? Cheers if you know...
  16. RileyGardner17

    "A large wave crashed over the boat deck..."

    Hey all, Wondering what we could make of this claim from both Bride, Gracie, and if I recall correctly, Lightoller described it as "a great plunge forward". Essentially when the ship's bridge went under, it went under quickly that a massive wave washed across the boat deck. I believe it was...
  17. L

    Britannic Boat Deck

    Hello all, After the reconstruction of the A Deck, what i made with Google Sketchup, i want to recreate the Boat deck too. But, that's not so easy. On the boat deck plan are, in the front of it, big Gantry davits. I can hardly see the rooms from the bridge to the Grand Stair Case. Is here...
  18. B

    Second Class on the Boat Deck

    I saw a picture of Lawrence Beesley and was wondering something. Were Second Class people allowed in the gymnasium? In the aforementioned picture, Beesley is riding the stationary bike . . . I think. How would he have gotten in there if he wasn't a First Class passenger?
  19. G

    Details of boat deck aft third funnel

    The third funnel of the ship has numerous pipes running up and down it in a loop on the aft side. These emerge from the low housing immediately aft of the funnel. This housing is labeled "Surge tanks" in various deck plans. Questions: What are these "surge tanks" for? Holding tanks for the...
  20. M

    Boat Deck Photos in Question

    Ive been going through my Titanic : Triumph and Tragedy book inspecting the deck photos and using them to adjust the deck plans I got from this site in paint to get a general idea and my question is about two photos ive seen well three to be honest. The first photo is on page 61 and is the...