
  1. M

    Carved Cherubs

    I should be grateful for any help in identifying the original location of the cherubs in the following photographs. I believe they came from the Britannic but so far have been unsuccessful in finding any relevant photographs. It looks like the formed to top section of a panel. Many thanks Mark
  2. P

    Staircase without clock carvings/additional info on cherubs?

    I am searching for a photo of a staircase, presumably olympics, of the staircase missing the clock carvings/and cherub post on olympic missing cherubs, or if there is one?
  3. N

    Honour and Glory

    Hi everyone, I was reading a posted message and I was wondering did the clock get installed into the paneling of the"Honor and Glory Crowning Time" in the Grand Staircase.Rumours are that it did not get installed because they were rushing to get the ship into service. Is this true. Did someone...