chief purser hugh mcelroy

  1. Mark_R

    Answered Chief Purser and Chief Steward

    What were the duties of the Chief Purser and Chief First Class steward on the Titanic when it was not sinking?
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    The Fearless Mrs. Givens

    The man who would enter legend just a few years later as Chief Purser on the Titanic created a nasty situation which would eventually require intervention by none other than Captain EJ Smith to resolve.... Titanica! Thu, 17 Feb 2022
  3. Arun Vajpey

    Chief Purser McElroy on that night

    I have been interested in Chief Purser McElroy's whereabouts and activities just before the Titanic collided with the iceberg and during the sinking. Information available is somewhat limited but I have collated witness statements of various survivors about McElroy's movements and formed a rough...
  4. F

    Death of a Purser by Frankie McElroy

    Captivating new biography charts, for the first time, the life of one of the most important men to die aboard the RMS Titanic on its ill-fated maiden voyage of 1912. Hugh Richard Walter McElroy was the Chief Purser of the RMS Titanic. His legacy was all but lost at sea; the media focus over...
  5. R

    Hugh McElroy and Father Phillip Corr

    Was Father Phillip Corr (aka John Henry Corr) onboard the SS Carpathia at the time of Titanic disaster? I haven't seen his name listed on the passenger/crew list. However, the following encyclopedia-titanica webpage says he was...
  6. R

    Hugh McElroy and Father Phillip Corr

    Was Father Phillip Corr (aka John Henry Corr) onboard the SS Carpathia at the time of Titanic disaster? I haven't seen his name listed on the passenger/crew list. However, the following encyclopedia-titanica webpage says he was: Hugh Walter McElroy : Titanic Purser I assume this is...
  7. S

    Hugh to Herbert McElroy

    Hello everyone, I was wondering about Purser McElroy. In most Titanic related information it states his name as Herbert W. McElroy. But apparently his real name was Hugh. I want to know why this change of name has come about. Did McElroy change it at one point in his life or is this an...
  8. P

    Did Mcelroy's wife remarry

    Can anyone tell me if Hugh McElroy's wife Barbara remarried. I think she did and I am trying to find out what her new surname was ?
  9. E

    Hugh McElroy's Transport Medal

    Frank It was remiss of me, when researching the medal roll, to overlook the fact that your gr-grand-Uncle (do I have the correct relationship), received the Transport Medal for his services on troop transports during the Boer War. I note from the medal roll that he was presented his on 1...
  10. Hitch

    Hugh MCELROY's shift times

    Hey everyone. I believe there where two pursers on Titanic, right? Mr Reginald Lomond BARKER Mr Hugh Walter MCELROY Douse anyone knows what Hugh MCELROY's shift times where? Thanks.
  11. P

    McElroy's body wearing white steward's jacket

    I was reading "The Irish Aboard the Titanic" last night and was surprised to learn that Purser McElroy's body was wearing a white steward's jacket when found! I though he would have been wearing his darker coat, especially since he was seen outside a lot that night. Cheers Paul
  12. M

    Purser McElroy's Body Buried at Sea

    I was wondering why Chief Purser McElroy's body was buried at sea and not sent to his family. It seems that a high ranking crew member such as the chief purser would have been given back to his relatives. I know that Walter Lord had McElroy on his list of possible suicides but there was no...
  13. T

    Purser McElroy

    According to Jack Thayer's book, Purser McElroy assisted in the launching of one of the after lifeboats. I have seen postings on one of the Titanic discussion groups that McElroy's features matches the description of a body that was later recovered then buried at sea. Does anyone have...