contact between survivors

  1. Sarah S

    Did Jack Thayer keep in touch with fellow survivors?

    Hello again, is it known if Jack Thayer kept in touch with any other survivor? I don’t know why, but I’ve always been interested in his relationship with Lightoller or Bride, who were with him on Collapsible B. Did Jack make any comment on Lightoller, and was there further contact between him...
  2. H

    Later Communication Between Survivors

    Does anyone one know if the survivors kept in contact with each other after they returned home?
  3. Seumas

    Did the Surviving Officers Remain in Touch With One Another?

    Did any of Charles Lightoller, Herbert Pitman, Joseph Boxhall and Harold Lowe keep in touch in the years following the disaster or not ? Boxhall and Pitman did at least meet once more (and were pictured together) in 1958 at the London premiere of A Night To Remember.