
  1. C-Deck Forward First Class Corridors/Cabins Flooding

    Hello Titanic Community! There is something about C-Deck flooding that I have never quite understood, first I will summarize my question and then I'll explain what I thought about it. Question: - How did the corridors of the forward First Class Cabins in C-Deck flood (I mean those forward of...
  2. Crew corridors on B deck

    Hey everyone! I was exploring B deck in the demo of Titanic Honor and Glory (very promising, I'm excited to see it finished) and found 2 doors labeled crew only, one in each side of the deck. Upon looking at the deckplans, they seem to be just 2 corridors that have nothing inside them, and that...
  3. Empty corridors

    What is the purpose of the corridors that just have a locker at the end of them ? (I understand the ones that give access to rooms). it just seams a waste of space. picture is from B deck
  4. What the corridors looked like

    As far as I know, there are no known photographs of the corridors of any of the three classs- only of the cabins. However, the upcoming video game called Titanic: Honor and Glory team has made a couple of discoveries about the first class hallways and Scotland Road. James Cameron depicted his...
  5. R

    First class A deck forward cabin corridors concealed behind doors

    Here is my first ever post...after ten years of reading these wonderful forums! My question is: from the deck plans, if we look at the very first two corridors of the forward first class cabins on A deck (both port and starboard directly after the baized doors entrances), they are concealed...
  6. Third Class Corridors

    Eaton & Haas are the only authors I've come across (as of yet) that actually describe the flooring in the corridors, but there are still a few shady areas. They say that Scotland Road was floored in linoleum tiles. Maybe so, but what colour were the tiles? I know they're red in Cameron's film...
  7. D

    First class corridors

    Hi to everyone, I just wondering for days ago about the configuration of the Titanic Corridors. In other discussions, I'm reading about the Styles of the Titanic Corridors. The Corridors between the two grand staircases have a more ornate panelling and the others Corridors of First Class...
  8. L

    ADeck corridors

    Does anybody know how the corridors that ran from the staircase to the lounge were furnished or decorated? Did they have furniture? These halls where very influencial on ship design larger version where built into ships Like Aquitania and Homeric.
  9. P

    Height of decks width of corridors on Bdeck

    Hi! Can someone tell me what the height of the decks on Titanic (floor - ceiling) and the thickness of ceilings were (of course without the raised roofs et cetera.) Also I want to know what the exact width of the 2 long corridors on B-deck who lead from the forward entrance to the back...
  10. M

    Corridors correct size

    Time for help from the mavens. I've checked the deckplans on this site, in Shipbuilder, and elsewhere, but remain in need of your expertise. At the L.A. Titanica exhibit, visitors go from the boarding ramp into a "B" level 1st class corridor, with doors on either side. It does not appear from...