
  1. M

    Carved Cherubs

    I should be grateful for any help in identifying the original location of the cherubs in the following photographs. I believe they came from the Britannic but so far have been unsuccessful in finding any relevant photographs. It looks like the formed to top section of a panel. Many thanks Mark
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : Passenger Accommodation

    FULL advantage has been taken of the great size of the Olympic and Titanic to provide passenger accommodation of unrivalled extent and magnificence. As will beseen from the deck plans reproduced in Plates III. IV. and V. the arrangement has been most carefully considered from all points of view...
  3. JvMartin

    R.M.S TITANIC / R.M.S OLYMPIC First Class Lounge Wall panel carving decoration

    I'm making a 3d model of the Lounge and I need a good reference of the details (carving) of the walls, pillars, ceiling and etc. If anyone has a good quality and zoomed photo of the walls in the White Swan Hotel please send below <3 Jv
  4. docteur peinture

    Looking for interior pctures for a video

    hello everybody im new, and lost :) im a little french youtubeur, and i would like to do a video for my channel, and the subject ? TiTANIC of course, but just on the interior decoration, so i have a lot of books, without any pictures with workers in the interior, who work at the time of...
  5. D

    Interior cabins style

    I'd like to know the interior cabins style. For example, I read the C95 cabin, interior, was decorated in A style (Louis XV inspiration) I don't know if this datum is true. Thanks
  6. D

    B60 cabin decor

    Was not the cabin B60 decorated in georgian style ? I believed that yes and I was completely sure. Now, I am confused. Please, help me
  7. A

    Decor of Stateroom B70

    Would anyone have an idea of the style of this room? In Titanic: Adventure Out of Time, the room is depicted as being Old Dutch style. Were the designers right or not? Thanks, Adam
  8. A

    Decor of forward BDeck cabins

    Would anyone happen to know if these cabins where luxurious or plainly decorated. Just as an example, Molly Brown is listed in allocations as occupying B-2, 4, or 6. I assumed that because of her wealth that she had an elegant room, but the photo on this thread had me wondering...
  9. A

    Decoration of BDeck First Cabins

    I'm referring to the cabins in the smaller section forward of the Grand Staircase. Does anyone know if a photo exists? Or if anyone can offer an idea. Thanks, Adam
  10. Hitch

    Approach to the New World or Plymouth Harbour

    Hi. Okay, I have a question that I’m not getting out. (I read this in the “Smoking room windows” topic, but I did end want to change to subject so I’m asking this here.) What is the name now of the painting above the first class smoking room on Titanic? Approach to the New World or...
  11. B


    Does anybody know if there are photos of Titanic's B-60 occupied by Mr. Quagg Baxter. I have read of its decor and it sounds very elaborate, perhaps the most beautiful room aboard. I would very much like to see a photo of this cabin if one exists. Best Regards, Brian
  12. R

    Decorating With Helen Churchill Candee

    Hi Kalman, Just saw this post. Sorry for being late to chime in. I definitely think that the autographed Candee book was well worth the $380. It isn't really just because Candee was a Titanic survivor. "The Tapestry Book" was the most important of her design books. And the 1912 edition at...
  13. R


    Sounds like a good idea for a show on the "Home and Garden" channel! What a fascinating gal this one was, huh? Along with Elsie de Wolfe, Helen Candee was one of the pioneers in the profession of interior design. Though less well-known today than "The Chintz Lady," Helen was a prolific and...