dining saloon

  1. J

    Seating arrangements in the First Class Dining Saloon

    Would the seating arrangements for the First Class passengers in the main dining saloon on Titanic, or indeed on any other major ocean liner, vary from evening to evening? In other words, would the First Class passengers be allowed to sit at different tables each evening, like we might do on...
  2. Duck_Dur

    Height of first class dining saloon in the titanic

    Hello, how high was the first class dining saloon Reguards,
  3. Yuriko Cheng

    First-class Dining Room Assignments

    Hi all! I believe each first-class passenger was allocated a table in the dining room. Does anyone have any info on the seating arrangements?
  4. schara01

    Third class Syrian or Lebanese dining room

    In the biography of Shawneene George Joseph, she mentions that the Syrian/Lebanese immigrants in 3rd class had their own dining saloon. Was it just a section of the dining saloon that they had, or did they really have their own separate dining saloon? I'm assuming they wouldn't have been served...
  5. abraorafa

    Sources about First Class Dining Room Service

    Hello everyone! I advance that I am almost sure which service was used in first class dining room (the service à la russe), through simple deductions that I would like to share with you. However, "almost certainty" is not "certainty" and I want to know if anyone remembers having read something...
  6. Justin Litke

    First Class Dining Saloon stewards

    In Walter Lord's "A Night to Remember", during the collision, four stewards are mentioned as working in the First Class Dining Saloon. "Meanwhile, down below in the First Class dining saloon on D Deck, four other members of the Titanic’s crew were sitting around one of the tables. The last...
  7. Jason D. Tiller

    News Inside the London flat with decor that inspired the Titanic’s VIP dining room to rent for £15k per month

    The entire restaurant in the original building was copied on board the ill-fated Titanic, from the decor to the place settings. https://www.standard.co.uk/homesandproperty/luxury/london-flat-titanic-decor-vip-dining-room-b985937.html
  8. Cam Houseman

    Second Class Dining Saloon Tile on the Stern

    Hi Y'all! I found a Second Class Dining Saloon Tile, lying on the Second Class Entrance of the Stern. (Located in the NOAA 2003 Footage) Good eye, huh? I'm the First to spot it!! :D
  9. C

    Dining saloon closing time

    Hi all. I read somewhere that the dining saloon opened for dinner at 7pm, so im wondering when it was closed? Does anyone know when, or did the passengers just leave when they were done?
  10. R

    Missing persons at dinner in the saloon (table dynamics)

    Hi, I remember reading on here that allocated seating was provided for first class passengers in the saloon - requests could be made by passengers to the purser for preferences/changes to this and passengers tended to be placed in terms of common interest and nationality, etc. But, if some...
  11. Uomiuo

    Architectural styles of 1st and 2nd class spaces

    Recently, I've become interested in the use of different "styles" to convey different atmospheres within the upper-class spaces of the RMS Titanic. However, it's difficult finding reliable sources on which style each room conveyed. and even more so information on the styles themselves. Are...
  12. JJAstorII

    RMS Olympic silver platter

    I recently won this at auction from the Olympic and thought you would all enjoy seeing it. My mom, who is pretty good at antiques, told me that it used to be for ice to hold and you put oysters or shrimp on top. I just love the clawed feet
  13. First Class Dining Room.jpg

    First Class Dining Room.jpg

  14. Christophe Puttemans

    First Class Dining Saloon picture: Olympic or Titanic?

    A beautiful colorization of a 1912 picture from Titanic's Dining Saloon. But wait... somebody said this was Olympic's. Could this be possible?
  15. M

    Where did the officers eat?

    Hello all, I know that the ship's officers had their own mess as it were, but were they expected to eat in the first class dining saloon if they weren't on duty at the bridge? Did they act as hosts? Thanks, ~Matt
  16. Charles Francis Dowling

    What happened to the boatswain mate after he opened the D Deck door?

    Ok, for this month the question is, what do you think happened to the boatswain mate after he opened the D Deck door.
  17. Charles Francis Dowling

    Titanic: Prediction of When Grand Staircase , Dining Room , Scotland Road Flooded

    Anyone tell me when scotland road , the grand staircase , and the first class dining room flooded? Here is my prediction. Grand Staircase : 2:10 when A Deck was flooding , Boat deck level 2:15 as dome imploded. First Class Dining Room: 1:55 as double doors of dining room slowly creaked...
  18. Charles Francis Dowling

    D Deck Candelabra Artifact/ Recovered?

    Hey , I just wanted to know , since the cherub in the grand staircase was recovered , how about the candelabra on D Deck? Was it recovered , or is it still in the reception room wreck , waiting to be found?
  19. M

    Flooding First Class Dining Saloon

    Did the dining saloon flood like in Cameron's film? Or was it more violent? Were the port and starboard entrance doors closed and locked? Were both left open? Or was one set open and the other closed? There is no evidence of either doors on the wreck either due to everything crashing forward/the...
  20. R

    Size of Stained-glass of 1st class Reception Room e Dining Room

    I just wondering if someone knows the size of the stained-glass windows in 1st class Reception Room and Dining Room?