
  1. Seumas

    Captain Scott's "Discovery" to Undergo Major Restoration
  2. Marie L

    Exhibition in Paris 2023-Reconstruction - Third room class

    About the exhibition which was in Paris and which is now in Melbourne, I believe: Is the reconstruction of the third class room based on a known room number, of which we would know the name of the passenger and therefore of the violinist in this room?
  3. B

    U.S. Opposes RMST 2024 Salvage Here we go again, back to court, here come the grifters for more booty. Time to stop all salvage, strip this company of all rights forever and leave that ship alone.
  4. J

    Post-Discovery Reaction to the break-up of Titanic

    What was the reaction of people, and the Titanic Community in general, to the fact that Titanic was found to have in fact broken in two and laying on the bottom of the Atlantic in pieces after the discovery on 1st September 1985? Were there some people who went; "! It can't be! That...
  5. Duck_Dur

    Bostwick gates in the wreck

    Does anyone know if there is an bostwick gates or are they “lost in time” like many other items?
  6. A

    Answered Who found the Titanic wreck?

    Who were the scientists that discovered the Wreck of the Titanic?
  7. Brad Rousse

    Discovery, Exploration and Salvage Recommendations

    Hello ET community, Long time lurker and occasional poster... I was wondering if anyone could recommend some works to me regarding efforts to discover, explore and salvage the wreck. I find this area of the ship's history a bit lacking as of late. Clearly, I know about the Ballard books, but...
  8. Encyclopedia Titanica

    HMS Hecate's role in discovery of Titanic wreck
  9. L

    Deck Plans

    Does anyone know of a website or book or anything that has Cabin numbers for all decks and (if this is possible) the furniture layout of each cabin? Thank-you