
  1. Marco C. Ruo

    People partying and drinking on board

    Good morning folks! Are there any survivors who tell of the parties, of the happiness and light-heartedness of people during their first and last trip? Yesterday I read this testimony from Catherine Mcgowan who was 15 at the time.. "She also took part in the activities, even the adult...
  2. Arun Vajpey

    Getting drunk before dying

    OK. This calls for pure conjecture but deals with human logic. There must have been several people on board who by around 2 pm knew for sure that the Titanic was going to sink and they would not find a place on any lifeboat. I wonder how many of them would have sought solace in getting as...
  3. M

    Eating and Drinking in the Public Rooms

    Were tea and other things served in all the public rooms, or just in the designated restaurants like the Cafe Parisien or A la Carte Restaurant. If people sitting in the lounge wanted to have something to drink, then why not a whole meal, as well. (Sorry if the question sounds inane...)
  4. D

    Did Titanic have Bars---as in drinking bars

    Did each class have there own ?, Just curious here.....Thanks Dan
  5. T

    Drinking fountains on the Titanic

    I was amazed when reading Ken's writeup of the exploration of the wreck- that a crewemans drinking fountain (bubbler) of sorts was spotted- How many of these do you suppose were fitted aboard ship- and were such fountains available in the passenger areas? Thanks! Tarn Stephanos
  6. T

    Drinking water

    Ware did all the drinking water come form?,was ti chilled?, how was it chilled?