
  1. Mike Colclough

    Caffiene/Stimulants on Titanic

    I'm writing some Titanic-related fiction and am having trouble finding what stimulants were available in each of the three classes, apart from coffee or tea. We all know there was no shortage of alcohol, but what if a person felt the need for speed? I see that Coca Cola was NOT available and...
  2. L

    Margaret Rice

    Hi, recently I was reading Margaret's biography, and I'm curious-why did she have pills prescribed for her by the doctor ? What kinda pills were they ? This is just my guess:since Margaret lost her husband William just two years before the sinking,and recently gave birth to Eugene(some new...
  3. Mark Chirnside

    Growing & Smoking

    I was 'informed' last week that smoking was much more widespread in 1912. True. But I also heard that first class passengers could grow weed on the Titanic; I couldn't stop laughing. Untrue!(?) Oh dear. I can imagine lots of plant pots hidden in the en-suites, or the engine room! Best...