eastern europeans

  1. Peter Kyhl

    Hermann Rägastik

    I have just written with an Estonian and he told me only one Estonian was onboard Titanic. He told me the name Hermann Rägastik and he should be a survivor and should have been 2nd engineering assistant which must be completely wrong. Here is a link to the Estonian wikipedia page Hermann...
  2. A

    Bulgarian Titanic book

    I asked the St.St. Cyril and Metodius National Library, Sofia, Bulgaria about information about Titanic passengers from that country, The library answered me April 6 2000. They told me that there were a lot of articles concerning the crash of the Titanic. "But it will be mean to look all of...
  3. A

    Bulgarians on the Titanic

    A library in Lovec, Bulgaria sent me copies of a couple long articles about some Titanic passengers from that area of the country. However the letters in Bulgarian language are like the Russian, quite different to "normal" letters,impossible to understand. Do any of you know anybody who could...