
  1. B

    U.S. Opposes RMST 2024 Salvage

    https://nypost.com/2023/08/29/us-opposes-planned-expedition-to-titanic-says-wreck-is-a-grave-site/ Here we go again, back to court, here come the grifters for more booty. Time to stop all salvage, strip this company of all rights forever and leave that ship alone.
  2. M

    Deepest part of wreck explored

    General question. Does anyone know if there are plans for deeper exploration into Titanic. I do believe the furthest on the bow section was the Turkish baths by Jim Cameron. I also wonder if it was possible to reach the pool since it was next to Turkish baths. I have heard it was destroyed. Is...
  3. J

    Post-Discovery Reaction to the break-up of Titanic

    What was the reaction of people, and the Titanic Community in general, to the fact that Titanic was found to have in fact broken in two and laying on the bottom of the Atlantic in pieces after the discovery on 1st September 1985? Were there some people who went; "No...no...no! It can't be! That...