
  1. J

    A Fan Fiction

    I found this and I am just speechless after reading it. It's not good, I literally don't know what to think of it. It's a fan fiction featured a clear Mary Sue by the name of Kane and several fictional characters fixed with Jack and Rose from 1997 and the Sturges family from 1953. The big...
  2. E

    My Titanic

    Hey Everyone, My name is Erica and I am new here although I have had a love of the Titanic for a very very long time. I know this is a piece of writing but this is a acount of a 3rd class passenger on the Titanic and I am using it for my course work in my course at uni. I was wonderin if you...
  3. P

    Titanic movie novel

    How many would read it? The book could describe Rose prior to her trip, and introduce the characters more thoroughly.
  4. T

    NEW TITANIC Fan Fiction Yahoo Group

    I would like to bring to your attention, my brand TITANIC Fan Fiction Yahoo! Group. Here is my URL: For which I would like to welcome you all to come onboard to not only read our contributions, but to also add your own works as well too.