fictional characters

  1. N

    A fictional character is going to remark upon this film...

    Hi guys, This is going to seem a rather odd one, but bear with me please. So, as one of those people who hate it when historical references, settings etc are used incorrectly, it seemed a realistic expectation that Titanic subject enthusiasts would equally hate it if I made such an error in my...
  2. D

    The couple

    Does anybody know who was that couple in ANTR that got advice from Mr. Andrews and got crushed by the falling funnel? Or were they just fictional characters?
  3. J

    Sir and Lady Richard

    Were these characters based on anyone in particular? I've always found Lady Richard to be rather icky.
  4. R

    Steerage Clothing

    In the Third Class/Steerage party scene in ANTR(dancing and singing, etc.). The Irish Tenor who is singing is neatly dressed in a dress suit and tie, etc. - much more neatly dressed, that is - in comparison to most of the others in the scene who are plainly dressed. Was there any...
  5. J

    Margaret Anne Brady

    Hi! I've once read a book which is called ''Voyage on the great Titanic-The diary of Margaret Anne Brady'' and I was fascinated of it. But I couldn't find any information about a passenger named like that. Does anybody know something about her or knows if she has even existed? Thank you...
  6. A

    Bed Room Steward Robert Merton

    I have been looking for information on this bedroom steward and have only found out that he was 16 and was turning 17 in august, he served in 1st class to Margaret Ann Brandy and Mrs.Carstairs if you have anymore info on him plz tell me thx
  7. A

    Actor Redmond Phillips from A Night to Remember

    I am trying to work out which actors played which characters in this film. I know that Redmond Phillips character was Mr Hoyle but I can't work out where he is in the film Can anyone help ?
  8. A

    The passenger and propeller

    Hey i was just wondering, according to survivors who were on the stern such as the baker is it true that a man jumped off the stern of the titanic and hit the propeller on the way down or is that something cameron just decided to add in there? thanks