
  1. A

    A Medical check for captain and officers? And would Smith even pass?

    Were there any such thing of a medical checks for crew before a voyage? Like we have today. And if not, Considering Smith's age, would he even pass if there were medicals?
  2. J

    Gymnasium Exercise Bicycle bClockb

    Hello. I'm wondering what that thing is right in front of the exercise bike in the gymnasium. It looks like a huge clock, but I was watching the Olympic footage shown on the Titanic '43 DVD and it shows the "thing" turning quickly as the person peddles. I'm guessing this is some kind of...
  3. C


    I'm extreme when it comes to fitness and health--I'm really into it so I was just wondering how big of a deal fitness was to people in the gilded age. I think first class had gyms on the Titanic, I was just wondering if washboard abs and pecs were anything to people in those days. Yes, I know...