
  1. H

    Second Class or Third Alt Cabins on G Deck

    I was just looking on plan of Titanic, and I saw on G Deck, some Alt 2 or 3rd Class Cabins, why did these cabins have letter G and two digit number, unlike Aft and Forward areas which had a dash and 3 digit number, what the difference between these cabins?
  2. Gate in the G-Deck Mail Room

    Hi y'all! A while ago, I watched "Deep Inside Titanic (1999) and they showed some great imagery. One part of the footage showed the Rotting Sorting table, and in the right half, a gate. Here is a picture I took What was it for? I think the narrator said it separated the First Class baggage or...
  3. A set of 3rd Class Cabins on G-Deck

    Hello, everyone. I was looking at the deckplans on G-Deck, and I saw an area of 3rd class cabins from 251 to 260 isolated from the rest of the ship, hidden right behind the baggage holds. (The specific cabins are within the red outline.) I have two questions about these specific questions. 1...
  4. Was the Hull near G-Deck damaged?

    Was the Hull near G-Deck, (for example, the Mail Room) damaged in the collision? As soon, or immediately after, the Mail Room was reported to be flooding, and as we know, the Mail Clerks began to try to drag the mailbags up to Higher Ground. Being the closest Deck to the top of the waterline...
  5. Unidentified Titanic deck plan of G Deck

    This appears to be a part of Titanic's deck plan of G Deck, but it's unlike any deck plan I've seen before. Does anyone know where this piece comes from? FYI: This snippet was originally posted by Lester Mitcham in post #4 of the thread 3rd Class Open Berths
  6. J

    Time to get from G deck to the boat deck

    Hello everyone I am interested in understanding the approximate time it would have taken to traverse certain distances within the Titanic in order to gain a better perception of her size and also to ponder the journey an unlucky passenger may have embarked on during the final minutes of the...
  7. R

    Third class cabins on G deck

    Hi folks, I don't know what to think about the third class compartments on G deck. When I look at the most recent shipplans, I can't find any third class room in the forward compartment on G deck. That section (the third compartment) is only called "Third class open berths". I also have...