
  1. N

    Arrol Gantry crane plans.

    If this is the wrong place for this thread toi be posted, please have this movied. As of right now, I'm workign on and almost finished working on a shipbucket scale drawing of Arrol Gantry. I'm at the stage where I will draw the service crane. The problem is that thew only image i could find of...
  2. Justin Litke

    "On a Sea of Glass" photo

    I had a quick question regarding a photo in "On a Sea of Glass" On page 24, beneath this photo: reads a caption, in part: The ship's name was written in after the photograph was taken, and inaccurately at that." Why is it inaccurate?
  3. G


    Do any photographs exist of the Gantry at Queens Island later on in the century - the 1960s and its demolition?