ghosts of the abyss

  1. P

    Ghosts of the Abyss

    I remember watching this as a youtube video on site but have since lost it. Unfortunately it's blocked on YouTube in the UK on copyright grounds, however because it was embedded on this site it worked. Can anyone point me to it again please?
  2. D

    Ghosts Of The Abyss questions

    Hi All. I have a questions about the James Camerons movie, Ghost Of The Abyss. Approximately at the 1 hour, 12 minutes, we see a 3D reconstruction of Jake passing along the first Class Reception Room. In the 1:12:23 we can see a wall of the D deck corridor on the starboard side, close to...
  3. G

    Ken Marschall PosterPainting as seen on Ghosts of the Abyss

    Hello all, I am curious if the poster of the cross section of Titanic (as seen in the movie Ghosts of the Abyss) is commercially available. I far as I could tell it is the same fold out drawing that appears in Ken Marschall's books. But this poster is huge and I would like to get one, post it...
  4. V

    Ghosts of the Abyss German version

    Can somebody say me: it's a book "Last secrets of Titanic" (I am sorry, it's my own translation from germany) good? Which pictures are in this book? Here is link to infos and picture of cover (in german)...
  5. P

    Ghosts of the Abyss UK DVD

    Can anyone tell me if the UK (region 2) DVD of GOTA contains the extended 90 min version of the film as well as the original? I can't seem to find a definitive answer. Thanks Paul
  6. P

    Cabins explored during Ghosts of the Abyss

    HI all, Does anyone know if the forward facing cabins on A and B deck were explored during the making of Ghosts of the AByss? Thanks! Paul
  7. S

    Ghosts of the Abyss

    I think cameron should have taken pictures of the turkish bath and the water tight doors
  8. D

    Ghosts of the abyss dvd

    Hi everyone! I've got the following question: Is the uk-version of the “ghosts” dvd correspondent to the us-version. I mean also two dvds and the same features? I can only view code 2 dvds, as the most of us here. Do somebody know whether there is a code to break my barrier in my player...
  9. K


    Hello all, The third (and final) installment of outtake images from the "Ghosts of the Abyss" project is now available for purchase through the Titanic Historical Society website at (Details describing Part 3 may not actually be on...
  10. M

    3D Ghosts DVD to be released in Japan

    Those of us who were hoping for a "Ghosts" DVD in 3D will be happy to learn that one is coming. A limited edition 2 disc set will be released in Japan this summer. It will contain the extended version, and a 3D version of the original Imax feature presentation! The set will also include the...
  11. R

    Hidden feature on GOTA

    Hey all, found this hidden feature on GOTA DVD. On disc 2 you can highlight the handles on the Marconi apparatus, and press enter, you will be taken to a crew video montage. Enjoy Rene
  12. G

    Ghosts of the Abyss Photo

    Could anyone tell me if the photograph of the Titanic on the front and back inside cover of the book is a new image of the ship or an altered image of Olympic made to look like Titanic as I dont think Ive seen this one before. Thanks, Greg
  13. K


    Hello all, To all who are interested in what is left of Titanic today, I would like to give notice that I have prepared a 40-page, full-color article for the Titanic Historical Society's quarterly, "The Titanic Commutator," packed with rare "outtake" images not published in the "Ghosts of the...
  14. C

    Ghosts of the Abyss on VhsDvd

    Hey you guys! I was wondering if 'Ghosts Of The Abyss' was going to come out on Vhs/Dvd. Sorry if this was discussed before. But Ghosts Of The Abyss was a 3d movie so will they still sell it in stores? Thank you! God bless. -Caroline C. :-)
  15. S

    Ghosts of the abyss 2

    Does anyone know if james cameron is planning on going back to titanic to see other parts of the ship, like the pool and the turkish bath (they were suspposed to but ran out of time). Stefan
  16. A

    Ghosts of the Abyss in Australia

    Hey guys, Just letting all you Aussies know that Ghosts of the Abyss will be showing at regular times beginning September. September 4th is the exact date to my understanding, and it will be shown in Melbourne and Sydney only. For any more info, check out If anyone from the...
  17. Cathy Akers-Jordan

    Ghosts of the Abyss soundtrack

    I just got the the GotA soundtrack and highly recommend it. I love "Darkness, Darkness" but am having a little trouble understanding all the lyrics. Can anyone help me out? I know the song was originally by The Youngbloods, but this version has slightly different lyrics. Thanks in advance...
  18. H

    How many times Have you seen Ghosts of the Abyss

    I just saw it for the second time and I loved it even more the second time around! I amazes me about just how emotional it was.I am so happy that James Cameron decided to do this! It reenforces my passion to go and experience the Alantic ocean.
  19. R

    LynchMarschall GOTA Book Signings

    As mentioned on the LA book signing thread and alluded to elsewhere, there will be another "Ghosts of the Abyss" signing scheduled for Thursday, May 29 in Boston at the New England Aquarium. Both Don Lynch and Ken Marschall will be making an appearance at this event which will begin at 7...
  20. S

    Ghosts of the Abyss Which One

    Can anyone help me. After reading the threads and an article in the (British) Sunday Times I have decided to get "Ghosts of the Abyss" but when I did a search on I got three choices. I know Titanic GOTA is the Child's book, but are the other two completely different. one is...