helen kramer

  1. Kyrila Scully

    Titanic Imposters by Kyrila Scully

    Just wanted to let you know that I have published a book I think you'll all enjoy reading called TITANIC IMPOSTERS. Debbie Beavis states there were over 7,000 people who pretended to be Titanic survivors, but were never on the ship. With help from Don Lynch, George Behe (who penned the foreword...
  2. T

    Helen Loraine Allison/Kramer - Survivor TITANIC Mystery

    I am the granddaughter of Helen Lorraine Kramer who was told that she was actually Helen Lorraine Allison and who was listed as a victim of the Titanic disaster. She was the Daughter of Hudson J. & Bess Allison, first class passengers and who are known to have both perished with the sinking...
  3. A

    That Loraine Allison surviving theory

    On my way to Florida I needed a good read for the 15 hour drive so I checked out Don Lynch's "Titanic: an Illustrated History". It was a great book, gave great facts and I especially enjoyed Ken Marshalls paintings. On page 214, there is a section called "What ever happened to Loraine...