
  1. Marco C. Ruo

    Third class sanitary conditions

    I recently read that in third class there were only two bathrooms, and that many men urinated in the darkest corners at night, I wonder: How much must there be in these corridors and rooms of poor and not very clean people? It seems strange to me that no one talks about the real conditions and...
  2. Steven Christian

    Titanic Hygiene...vid

    Must have triggered an algorithm on my YT app as Titanic video's keep popping up. Don't know if this has been posted before. It wasn't too bad. Covered the subject pretty well. Cheers.
  3. Arun Vajpey

    Oral hygiene in 1912

    How did people clean their mouths and teeth in those days? Did they brush their teeth regularly? As someone who does not have a single filling at 60 years of age, I often wonder about bad breath etc of those times.
  4. Alex Clark

    Keeping unwhiffy in Edwardian times

    How would people avoid body odours in those days? Considering how many more layers people wore even on a summer day at the beach they must have stank unless there was some sort of anti whiff on offer. Did people have an effective deodorant in thoses days? I heard that talcum powder was applied...
  5. R

    Shaving aboard Titanic

    Hey all, as I was staring into the mirror, shaving with my "Gilette Mach.3 Turbo" razor, this morning I began day-dreaming (as you do!). I recalled seeing a "Gilette" razor complete with packaged blades at the Titanic exhibition in Hamburg, Germany back in 1997. The razor, as with the other...