
  1. William Oakes


    TITAN IMPLOSION AT PLUS ONE YEAR On June 18, it will be exactly one year since the OceanGate Titan imploded at the RMS Titanic wreck site. On Sunday June 9, 2024, Sixty Minutes Australia broadcast a program featuring James Cameron and Sidney Nargeolet. One year later, the Nargeolet family is...
  2. M

    Why doesn’t the Titanic implode?

    With the recent implosion of the Titan, why doesn’t the Titanic implode? It’s 5500 psi at the site? A few things I don’t understand. Is it the weight of the water on an air filled object like a...
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  4. Arun Vajpey

    Titanic's stern did not implode.

    I find the conjecture that the sinking stern of the Titanic 'imploded' soon after sinking rather difficult to comprehend, particularly in relation to the sinking stern. Why would the air pockets "burst inwards"? I am a retired scuba diver and have visited over 25 ship wrecks around the world...
  5. A

    Titanic Bursting at the Seams

    Did the Titanic literally fall apart at the seams? The hull seams to have stripped off at the bottom quite significantly on the port side. ....and stripped away from the bottom on the starboard side as well. Here is a photo of the Olympic's bottom. Does anyone know what these are...