
  1. Melinda R

    Violet Jessop - Who gave her the baby in the lifeboat?

    I am researching Violet Jessop and have a question. In Titanic Tragedy by John Maxtone Graham, p138, he writes that James Moody, TItanic's sixth officer saw VIolet and called out, "Here, Jessop, take this child." In her own autobiography, Titanic Survivor, p. 132, Violet says that "young Mason...
  2. Melinda R

    Which lifeboat contained the Hoffman/Navratil boys?

    I am trying to determine the best "guess" for which lifeboat the Hoffman/Navratil boys were in off the Titanic. Collapsible D is mentioned but even in the charts, there appears to be no agreement. Does anyone have possibilities and rationale for a particular boat?
  3. HugoGHA

    Lifeboat 10's lowering time

    It seems like it's widely accepted among the community that Lifeboat 10 was lowered around 1:50 a.m. I have noted an issue with this estimate, however. Edward Buley and Frank Evans' testimonies indicate that Lifeboat 10 was lowered later than the accepted estimate. Here is the excerpt of their...
  4. Duck_Dur

    Were letters given to people in lifeboats by men who knew that they weren't going to survive?

    In 'Titanic 1997' there is a deleted scene where a man gives Rose a letter for her to give to his wife in the US. Is there any recorded incidents where men would give letters to people in the boats to give to their wives as a goodbye?
  5. Aurélien WOLFF

    why isn't the board of trade blamed tha much or the lifeboats in popular culture?

    I noticed in titanic movies, ismay would be the one blamed for the lack of lifeboat while not taking the board of trade in account or that the davits were designated to cope in case the laws were changed by adding more lifeboat. I wonder why the board of trade part isn't mentionned as much there.
  6. T

    Lifeboat 2 question-

    Greetings, Lifeboat 2 question- Encyclopedia Titanic shows 18 survivors but another website titled Titanic.Fandom list 24 survivors on Lifeboat 2 including the following family who were immigrating from Syria/Lebanon. Is Encyclopedia Titanic missing them or is Fandom incorrectly adding them? Any...
  7. J

    Enough a well trained crew?

    Now, we all know that even if Titanic had enough lifeboats aboard her, it wouldn't have made much of a difference in getting everyone off the ship with the time they had available, especially with the skill levels of the entire crew. However...what if Titanic had a well trained crew where every...
  8. proftitanist

    Bruce Ismay in the photo of the lifeboat

    Hi! I'm from Russia, so I use an online translator. Anyway, a couple of years ago I put Bruce Ismay on one of the photos of the boats from the Titanic and now I decided to share it with the English-speaking community. The investigation was based on memories of the arrival of the collapsible C by...
  9. Marie L

    Number of safety jackets

    Do we know the exact number of safety jackets that were onboard,? How many people wore it on the lifeboats? And compare that number with the number of bodies found floating in the water? And yet another question, the first to see these bodies floating, by day , came to the area how long, days...
  10. minhong

    Question Change of lifeboat station

    Why have lifeboats changed their boarding positions in modern ships? Is this a simple reason to reduce the risk by lowering the high? Lower away the lifeboat at the upper deck in the titanic Lower away the boats at the lower deck in the ile de france a modern ship with a lifeboat...
  11. M

    Excitement sailing from Southampton & lifeboat discussion

    Movies and television documentaries seem to depict a great fanfare when sailing from Southampton. Also, there is always discussion of the number of lifeboats. How accurate are these portrayals? 1. I’m not saying there wasn’t a terrific sendoff, but this is the maiden voyage of the second...
  12. E

    Where were they rowing to?

    I didn't see this question posed yet. I've been wondering where they were rowing to in the lifeboats? Why did some boats focus on rowing, maybe to keep warm? Or trying to find help? Or perhaps get far away from the scene of the sinking? It seems that the boats that rowed a lot were some of the...
  13. J

    "Saved", but no boat number

    The Passenger and Crew Lists show almost 200 who were saved, but for which there is no boat listed. How did these people survive without a boat? Possibly related to this, there are a number of survivors where the boat listed for them has an asterisk (*) ... what is the asterisk for?
  14. K

    Titanic lifeboat davits.

    In 1973_my boss who was a Scouser came back from lunch with a roll of blueprints that he said were last plans of the Titanic. I managed to persuade him to open the roll. He was afraid I would mix the sheets up but the sheet I wanted of the boat deck was the second sheet. I used my handbag...
  15. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Titanic’s Aft Lifeboats

    How Boats 9-16 saved lives in the sinking.... Titanica! Fri, 02 Jun 2023
  16. J

    Building a 1/30 scale wooden model of Lifeboat No.15

    Very few commercially produced Titanic lifeboat kits are known to exist on the market and the ones that do exist are all having major issues(errorneous hull designs, huge portions of details missing,etc). I once bought a kit made by Artesania Latina, the kit was so hopelessly inaccurate to the...
  17. Richard Dressner

    A Boat Too Far

    Funny - I see lots of Wayfair commercials, but none for the 1:2 Titanic lifeboat :)...
  18. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Lifeboats, Launch Times, List and Trim Parts 1 & 2

    A detailed exploration of the available evidence for the sequence and launch times of the Titanic Lifeboats.... Titanica! Fri, 19 Mar 2023
  19. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Lifeboat departure order?

    In what order did lifeboats leave the Titanic?
  20. T

    How were the lifeboats deployed?

    I wonder how the lifeboats were carefully lowered from the top of the ship to the water level. What exactly are the operations that need to be carried out? Can this be done by one man or does it require several people? For the davits, it seems simple enough: there is a long worm gear that...