lord pirrie

  1. L

    The Ismay/Pirrie dinner

    Hello Im doing some research on the construction of the Titanic and I was having a hard time coming across how Bruce Ismay and Lord Wiliam James Pirrie's meeting came about in the first place to even begin talks on the Olympic class? If anyone knows or has a source Id truely appreciate it.
  2. C

    Question Pirrie's role and motivations in the IMMC deal?

    Hello, I recently came across some articles claiming Pirrie was the one who headed the deal between the White Star Line and the IMMC. It also suggested it was because Pirrie was skeptical of J. Bruce Ismay's capabilities as Chairman. This would align with a claim (I admittedly can't recall...
  3. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Lord Pirrie's Will

  4. A

    Lady Pirrie

    Hi; never done this before, but here goes; my grandmother, Jean Coleman Logan, worked at Harland and Wolff around the time of the Titanic/Britannic launches. As far as we know, she was Lord Pirrie's secretary, and was apparently on the Titanic half an hour before it sailed, with Lord Pirrie and...
  5. Dave Gittins

    Martin Pirrie seriously injured

    I have just come home prematurely from my cruise to be greeted with very bad news. Our occasional contributer, Martin Pirrie, grand-nephew of Lord Pirrie, has suffered a very heavy fall, in which he fell through a ceiling and landed on the floor below. He suffered near-fatal multiple...
  6. J

    Was Pirrie really sick

    A lot of people I'm sure have read that Lord Pirrie left Belfast because of sickness in 1912 and had to have an operation. Was he really sick or was just using this as an excuse to get away from the political situation in Belfast. He chose Nationalism which was not popular with the majority...
  7. M

    Lord Pirrie's death

    Hello! Somebody save in which country of the South America was Lord Pierre at the time of its death? THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Mark Chirnside

    Olympic Launch Photo of Morgan and Pirrie

    Hi! This photo was identified as 'J. P. Morgan' and Lord Pirrie attending Olympic's launch in 1910. Has anyone seen it before, and if so do the two men appear to be identified correctly? After all the misidentifications on Titanic photos, you never know! Best wishes, Mark.
  9. S

    Pirrie and Andrews

    All, I do not know where to put this, so I will put it here until moved. When Pirrie told Andrews to go instead of him due to his cold..when would this had happend? The day or two before sailing I would think. Steve Krienke [email protected]
  10. S

    Pirrie Ismay Carlisle and then Morgan

    Hello Everyone, My name is Steve Krienke. I just registerd for ET, but I have been reading everyones posts for about two months now. I am a play writer. I am also a big Titanic researcher, I know a great deal about her, as do the rest of you. I have wrote two Titanic plays. When refering...
  11. S


    Although not a passanger, I would like to know where I can find a family tree for the Pirrie family? All Ahead Full!
  12. S

    Lord Pirrie is Mr. Andrews' Uncle

    Well, I now understand that Mr. Andrews is the nephew of Lord Pirrie, but, why was it that this has never been mentioned? Besides, Andrews died at 39, so how old was Lord Pirrie? - Smith [email protected]
  13. S

    Lord Pirrie's Grave features Olympic

    Hi, The Ulster Titanic Society has just posted a photo of Lord pirrie's Grave Stone which features a carving of Olympic. http://www.ulstertit anic.com/19June2002. html Belfast is a great place to visit. Olympic and Titanic's birthplace must surely be one of the warmest and kindest places...