
  1. R

    Marconi Company Rules and Regulations

    I just found a pdf version of the Marconi rules and regulations on the World Radio History site at It is the 1917 version but includes the text of a number of earlier...
  2. K

    Can you help? Could Marconi's wireless have caused an additional deviation in the ship's compass, more than the usual North South, East West Deviation?

    Could Marconi's wireless transmissions have caused an additional deviation in the ship's compass, more than the usual north south, east west deviation? The reason I ask is, I came across testimony during the British Wreck Commissioner's Inquiry, where it was briefly mentioned that the ship's...
  3. Gordon Mooneyhan

    Two questions re: Marconi Room & Bridge on Titanic

    Looking at the plans on Encyclopedia Titanica, I estimate the distance between the bridge and the Marconi room to be about 100 feet, maybe slightly less. Do we have an accurate distance? Was there a phone in the Marconi room? If there was, why couldn't Philips or Bride use it while the other...
  4. Gordon Mooneyhan

    Did the Marconi Scandal Influence the British Inquiry?

    Forgive my ignorance of British history; perhaps this question doesn't belong here. If that's the case, I trust the moderators will place it where it belongs. Still, Sir Rufus Isaacs, the Attorney General, was the brother of the Director of the US Marconi Company. I seem to recall a scandal...
  5. Julian Atkins

    Marconi call signs ships 1912

    Can anyone please assist with the Marconi call signs as recorded by Stanley Adams of the Mesaba on a copy Marconigram. They are as follows:- MGU (possibly also an error for MGY, but I would like it double checked please). MNE MFO MOI DDN Many thanks in anticipation. Cheers, Julian
  6. Gordon Mooneyhan

    Marconi Question

    In the book "Titanic Calling Wireless Communications During the Great Disaster" on page 158, there is a list of the Marconi Radio Codes. In almost all cases, there is one radio code for each meaning. The one exception on the list is for Master's Service Message, which can be coded as either SG...
  7. Justin Litke

    Marconi breakdown

    What time did the Marconi set breakdown and when did Phillips and Bride get it going again?
  8. William Oakes

    Question- Marconi Operators Badge

    Greetings. Can anyone tell me about the attached image? Specifically, age and time period of the item. What does the number 26 signify? Size? is it a lapel pin 1" diameter? Or an actual badge 3-4 inch diameter? Any information would be sincerely appreciated. It is for a project that i am working...
  9. M

    When did the Marconi wires slung between Titanics Masts Snap?

    Hello, I was wondering at what stage during the Titanics sinking did the four Marconi lines running between the ships masts snap? They obviously must have been broken after the hull snapped in half but could Funnels 1 and 2 rolling off or the bow mast getting fully submerged have severed them...
  10. A

    Actual Wireless Transmission Source?

    I'm a new member and maybe just haven't figured out how to best use this (incredible) site. I'm writing a manuscript for a children's book. I have found multiple sources that sort of interpret the radio calls to/from the Titanic. However, I need to find a reliable source stating the actual...
  11. H

    Finding a definitive source of Titanic's Distress Calls and replies:

    for a while now, I been searching online and though several books for a definitive and complete timeline of all of Titanic's distress calls and replies from other ships. I just recently brought "Titanic: Signals of Disaster" but was slightly disappointed to find just a few miscellaneous...
  12. Arun Vajpey

    Private telegrams

    We have learned that on board the Titanic (as perhaps with other ships of the period), many passengers, probably mostly American businessmen in First Class, sent out private telegrams from Saturday night onwards. I am interested in knowing what the regulations and financial implications (to the...
  13. M

    Wireless Sound Question

    I have a question that I cant remember the answer to and Ive searched for a few mins with no luck for the answer on here. I am looking for what Hz Titanic`s wireless system operated on as in the signal output that other ships would have heard. I thought it was 50 or 60 but when I tried it in...