
  1. schara01

    Recreation of Titanic meals

    Hello! I wanted to share some interesting YouTube videos I found from a popular YouTuber who re-creates old meals. He goes by the name Tasting History with Max Miller, and he made an entire playlist of meals he recreated that were served (or could have been served, due to the lack of some...
  2. Jindrich Vacek

    First meal on April 10th

    When was the first meal served for the first class on April 10th?
  3. B

    3rd class meal times

    Did each class eat their meals at the same time? I'm interested specifically in 3rd class. I know the meal times for 1st class, but can't find anything on 3rd class and so I wasn't sure if the times were for all classes or just 1st. Any insight is appreciated!
  4. M

    Where did the officers eat?

    Hello all, I know that the ship's officers had their own mess as it were, but were they expected to eat in the first class dining saloon if they weren't on duty at the bridge? Did they act as hosts? Thanks, ~Matt
  5. S

    Kosher Titanic

    In "triumph and Tragedy" by Eaton and Haas, there is a 3rd class bill of fare reproduced. What intriged me was the legend, printed on the bottom; "Kosher meat available for Jewish passengers" I was sceptical of this. After all, where was the evidence for this claim? In any event, the kitchens...