nova scotia

  1. A

    Captain Smith Inexperienced?

    Hello, I am new to this board so please forgive me if I am not doing something right. I recently visited the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax Nova Scotia. In the Titanic display there was a picture of Captain Smith with the following text next to it: “Smith was about to retire...
  2. C

    Good sources about Titanic's connection to Halifax?

    Hello. I was looking for any good sources for connections between Titanic and Halifax. Anything and everything.
  3. J

    Titanic Deck Chair in Halifax, Nova Scotia

    There's probably an old thread on this, but I thought I'd refresh it. In the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, is an authentic Titanic deck chair recovered from the wreck in 1912. There is also a replica which museum guests can sit in. (Or, at least they...
  4. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Letter from Richard Gill to the Provincial Secretary, Halifax, Nova Scotia
  5. J

    Why Nova Scotia rather than Newfoundland?

    My first post here, a question that has nagged at me. I have a copy of the book Titanic Remembered; The Unsinkable Ship and Halifax. I have wondered why Halifax became the focal point for the recovery of the bodies, rather than St. John's in Newfoundland when Newfoundland is actually closer to...
  6. H

    Nova Scotia 2012

    I live in both Finland and Nova Scotia. Everyone knows Titanic is huge in NS. I wonder how many people have Titanic interests that live in Nova Scotia, or plan to be here in April 2012. I will be in Nova Scotia for April 2012.
  7. John Clifford

    BTS 2007 Halifax Nova Scotia

    I, for one, am looking ahead, as I would like to return to Halifax, next April. This time it will be great to see some of the Listmembers who will be attending, including Shelley & Mike. I will probably cash in some American Airlines miles for a round-trip ticket to Toronto, and then fly...
  8. D

    Titanics Impact On Nova Scotia

    The recent news on the discovery of the identity of the unknown child in Halifax had me thinking of the impact that the Titanic has had on Nova Scotia. In a strange way, the Titanic has been a magnet for tourism far more successful than any ad campaign could ever have been. Being from North...