oceanic ii (1899)

  1. HelenaWojtczak

    Pax transferred from the Oceanic to Titanic?

    Hi Is there a list of passengers booked on the Oceanic who were transferred to the Titanic? I've been working on a biography of survivors Elsie and Edith Bowerman for many years now, because of their connection to the suffrage movement. I'm now preparing to publish a book in which they will...
  2. Cam Houseman

    Where was Oceanic's Galley?

    Came across this photo on NMNI But I'm not sure what deck it is on, and what class it belongs to. Any ideas? Thanks y'all for any help :)
  3. The New York Incident diagram.jpg

    The New York Incident diagram.jpg

  4. Incident at Southampton.gif

    Incident at Southampton.gif

  5. S

    RMS Oceanic 1899

    Hello does anyone know how much a porthole from this ship would be worth? I have 1 here made my J & O Woods Ltd from rainhill.
  6. S

    News from 1872: Oceanic I Rescues the Crew of Mountain Eagle

    Trying to verify J. W. Shackford as officer who was on lifeboat rescue Multiple obituaries of Captain John William Shackford (1839-1905) state that he was a first officer on the Oceanic and in January 1872 was on the lifeboat that rescued the crew of the Mountain Eagle. Wondering if there is...
  7. A

    Oceanic and Olympic -- sisters?

    Here is an interesting snippet of info I just read on The Great Ocean Liners website. The article I was reading was about White Star's Oceanic (1899) and I came across this paragraph: I never knew that Oceanic (1899) was to have a sister called Olympic. I always thought she [Oceanic] was a...
  8. M

    Icy NY for the Oceanic lookouts in Jan 1912

    "With the thermometer at 3 degrees below zero at 6:50 o'clock yesterday morning, New York experienced its coldest day since Jan. 5, 1904...The barrier of ice at Pier 59, where the White Star liner Oceanic was docked, was so thick she had a hard job to back out into the river. The movement of...
  9. C

    Sketch of Oceanic II

    It's of course more vivid in real life, with much more detail present, but the camera was frustrating me, so I had to cope with these. What to you think?
  10. C

    Oceanic's Interiors

    I've searched and searched and searched and so on and I have not been able to fine much concerning the SS Oceanic's interiors - those that are supposed to be the creme de la creme of interiors. Has anybody any links or pictures? I'm frightfully curious. I have seen only a picture of the second...
  11. M

    News from 1899 Launch of Oceanic II

    The Times, 14 January 1899 THE NEW WHITE STAR STEAMER OCEANIC --- There will be launched to-day a steamship which will exceed in length all vessels that have preceded it in the history of maritime commerce. The Oceanic has been built by Messrs. Harland and Wolff, of Belfast, for the...
  12. M

    News from 1901 Oceanic II Sinks Kincora

    The Times, 9 August 1901 THE OCEANIC IN COLLISION --- The White Star Line mail steamship Oceanic, bound from Liverpool to New York with mails and 1,000 passengers, arrived at Queenstown yesterday, and reported that at about 1 15 o'clock in the morning, when off the Tuskar in a dense...
  13. M

    News from 1914 The Wreck of Oceanic II

    The New York Times, 10 September 1914 LINER OCEANIC LOST ON ROCKS --- Famous White Star Steamer, Armed as Cruiser, Wrecked on Coast of Scotland --- ALL ON BOARD ARE SAVED --- British Press Bureau Announces That the Big Vessel Is a Total Loss --- NOTED AS MILLIONAIRE SHIP --- Years...
  14. D

    Adriatic and Oceanic II

    If anyne has the "Titanic If anyne has the "Titanic Collection" it says in the "NOTES: FOR FIRST CLASS PASSENGERS" booklet that in 1910, while Olympic and Titanic were still being built, the S-C-Q-NY service was being run by Adriatic, Oceanic, Majestic, and Teutonic. I know that Teutonic and...
  15. M

    News from 1899 Maiden Voyage of Oceanic II

    On 13 September 1899, Oceanic II, the first ship longer than the legendary Great Eastern, arrived in New York at the conclusion of her maiden voyage. This story appeared the next day. The New York Times, 14 September 1899 GIANT OCEANIC COMES IN --- New White Star Liner Reaches Port...
  16. D

    RMS Oceanic II Deckplans

    Hi everyone, Does anyone know where I can find a copy of the deckplans for the Oceanic of 1899? Thanks, David
  17. Inger Sheil

    Oceanic II Panelling

    Is anyone in the UK watching the Antiques Roadshow at the moment? They're filming up in the Shetlands, and someone just produced a beautiful piece of gilt covered, ornately carved Oceanic II panelling (wrecked up there, of course, in WWI). After describing it as a lovely piece, the assessor...