
  1. Michael Shakesby

    Engine orders during sinking.

    Hi all, After playing the sinking simulation on Britannic Patroness Of The Mediterranean I have a question if anyone is able to answer........ After it came clear that Britannic over shot the island of Kea why wasn't the starboard engine restarted to correct her course? (I have read a few...
  2. Alex Clark

    Steering commands.

    What kind of measurements did they use for helm orders other than midships, hard-a-starboard and hard-a-port? Did they use degrees of rudder angle like on modern ships? I heard or read somewhere that they used the wheel spokes as a measure of how far over the helm was.
  3. M

    Few questions about orders

    I have two questions abaut telegraphs orders from bridge. 1. When someone ring STOP to engine room, from the bridge, did engine room and boiler rooms get this order at the same time, or only to engine room and they must pass this order to boiler rooms? 2. How much seconds take pass any order...
  4. A

    Orders from Mr. Ismay. Superior Force?

    Reading the Inquiry I can see that Mr. Ismay was very influential in the navigation of other ships e.g. He sent a message on the Carpathia to VP Franklin, instructing him to hold the liner Cedric in New York so that he could sail on her back to England. - "Strongly urge detain Cedric sailing...
  5. A

    Helm orders

    I'm still baffled by the infamous helm order. If we accept that Boxhall heard the bell, and the helm order, and felt the collision all within 10 seconds of each other, and if we accept that Hichen's began turning the wheel when he heard the ice crunching against the ship, then I have to wonder...
  6. A

    How Long are Helm Orders Maintained?

    When Hichens was ordered "Hard a-starboard" and/or "Hard a-port" does anyone know how long he would have kept the helm hard over after the iceberg had passed? Did the wheel have a lock that allowed the helmsman to let go of the wheel or a spring mechanism that caused the wheel to swing back to...
  7. Arun Vajpey

    Murdoch's orders & the helm during the collision?

    I was under the impression (and I admit that I may have got it wrong) that during the days of the Titanic and for some time afterwards, the direction of a ship's helm turn was opposite to the direction in which the bow was intended to go. In other words, turning the helm to starboard (right)...
  8. Arun Vajpey

    Murdoch's orders after sighting the iceberg

    One aspect that no one, not even the many sailors that I have specifically asked, has clearly answered the question about how the Titanic's stern 'swung clear' of the iceberg after the latter bumped and scraped along the bow to a point just beyond the 5th compartment. While most accounts now...
  9. N

    Captain Smith's orders

    On the night of the sinking did Capt.Smith retire to his quarters and leave Murdoch in command on the bridge.If Capt.Smith left Murdoch in charge did he ask him to maintain a high speed to keep on course to get to New York in record time despite the ice warnings ? Nick.