passenger research

  1. Marie L

    In search of music aboard - All classes

    I continue our topic there, ( Exhibition in Paris 2023-Reconstruction - Third room class) at its better place now, to keep talking of music, and let the violin in third class in the other. So, the actual list we've got is : Not boarded: -Howard Irwin, clarinet Crew: -Charles Herbert...
  2. Marie L

    Passagers débarqués

    Bonjour, Je ne sais pas si je le poste au bon endroit mais bon. Existe -t-il une liste complète des personnes qui ont pris le Titanic mais sont descendus avant qu'il ne fasse sa grande traversée finale, ou n’ont pas pu le prendre pour r~~~~~, ivresse ou autre à Southampton, Cherbourg...
  3. M

    Thomas Andrews actions during sinking

    This is the most likely scenario in my point of view. At times, before one goes to take the decisive action, he or she goes somewhere aside to gather his or her thoughts before going to act. And this might have been the case of Thomas Andrews. I still insist on my opinion of Tommie, as he was...
  4. B

    Mrs. James Duffy

    There is a pretty reliable story in my family that my Grandfather's first wife was one of the unfortunate passengers that perished in the Empress of Ireland sinking. The passenger's name (3rd Class) is listed as "Mrs. James Duffy", but in other information I have seen it says "nee. Mary Ann...
  5. B-rad

    Harry Anderson

    I was wondering if anyone had any accounts of the disaster as related by Harry Anderson. I would like to stack his account with that of Mrs. Cassebeer, so see how similar or different they are. I know the authors of 'On A Sea of Glass', attribute an account (or several?) courtesy of Mike...
  6. D

    Black passengers

    I would like to know was there any black passengers on Titanic?
  7. T

    Helen Loraine Allison/Kramer - Survivor TITANIC Mystery

    I am the granddaughter of Helen Lorraine Kramer who was told that she was actually Helen Lorraine Allison and who was listed as a victim of the Titanic disaster. She was the Daughter of Hudson J. & Bess Allison, first class passengers and who are known to have both perished with the sinking...
  8. A

    Jacob Christian Milling

    I was wondering if anyone would be able to point me to where I could possibly find more information on Jacob Christian Milling, a 2nd class Danish passenger who was on his way to Oregon Wisconsin where he had been previously employed?
  9. A

    Denzil John Jarvis

    I am new to this site and hope someone out there may have some information regarding my Great Grandfather, Denzil John Jarvis. He was a second class passenger on the Titanic and as far as I know did not survive. I have done quite a lot of research and have discovered a 7 foot memorial to him in...
  10. C

    Edward H Wheadon

    Greetings, Having recently discovered my great great grandfather, Edward H Wheadon died during the Titanic tragedy, (thankfully after he had bred) my interest has been somewhat stirred up. If anyone has any further information regarding this second class passenger I would be most interested...
  11. G

    Eleanor Cassebeer

    Dear anybody Would anyone know the fate of first class passenger Eleanor Cassebeer? I have done extensive research in this woman and have found that she was first married to Lewis Frank Peak but was divorced and remarried to Henry Arthur Cassebeer Jr. Rumour has it that this marriage had also...