passengers that cancelled

  1. T

    Hans and Edwanda Bandendyke

    Hi, I left a comment here and not seeing it. In the 1960's a very sweet elderly couple told me how they were in line to board the Titanic when a voice said to them "This ship is going down!" Of course they exited the line. Have never for an instant doubted their story, but a good friend said...
  2. G

    Relative Avoided Titanic Disaster

    We can’t find any info on our relative. Any ideas? If this man has used his ticket I would not be here!
  3. News Ohioans among those who perished in 1912 Titanic sinking

    Ohioan J.C. Middleton had a ticket to ride the Ship of Dreams, but it was his own dream two weeks before boarding that unnerved him. While staying in London, the vice president of the Canton & Akron Railroad dreamt the ocean liner would capsize in the Atlantic, the Marysville Journal-Tribune...
  4. Kotheimer: is the story true?

    A booklet of Lenten reflections says that a Catholic priest, Ralph Kotheimer, booked passage on the Titanic but was refused (by the White Star Line?) permission to say daily private Mass, so he canceled his ticket and traveled on the Rhyndam instead. A Google search for Kotheimer + Rhyndam...
  5. Painters

    According to family lore, my grandfather, Charles Cross who was a coach painter by trade, worked on the Titanic in Belfast and was meant to sail with her but changed his mind at the last minute. I can’t find any record of him in the crew or passenger lists. Is there anywhere else I should look?
  6. If J P Morgan had been a passenger..........

    I have read that the selfless, charitable, benevolent elderly gentleman J P Morgan was considering sailing on the maiden voyage of the Titanic but pulled out because he was too busy - no doubt with one of his many philanthropic ventures. True or not, had he been a passenger and events had panned...
  7. P

    Professor Harry Woodley - A Titanic Magician

    I am the great grandson of Professor Harry Woodley, a famous escapologist and magician from Southampton. I have recently received an old copy of The Magic Circles magazine "The Magic Circular" with Prof Woodley and the Titanic on the cover titled "The Titanic Magician". The story details how...
  8. Cancelled Passages Aboard Titanic
  9. Futurist artists who cancelled tickets

    I am studying for an MA in Fine Art at Wimbledon College of Art, London, and am posting this in the hope that someone will be able to point me in the direction of information relating to the passenger lists for the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic in 1912. I have been able to find a...
  10. L

    Titanic passengers that cancelled or missed the crossing

    A very informative paper. John Eaton wrote: >>As can be best determined, there were aboard at this point 2,228 persons — 1,320 passengers and 908 "working" crew. The figure of 2,228 was reached after minute examination of records and lists prepared by Titanic's owners and the official...
  11. B

    First class baggage ticket

    hi everyone can anyone help me please I have seen a first class baggage ticket exactly the same as the one displayed in the Merseyside Martime Museum,in the name of the Rev J Stuart Holden only difference is it has the additional word Southampton on the line above the date of the ship sailing...
  12. George W Vanderbilt

    I know George W Vanderbilt was booked to sail on Titanic but sailed instead on Olympic leaving Southampton April 3rd and arriving NYC on April 10th. His Valet Edwin Charles (Frederick) Wheeler sailed on Titanic with Vanderbilt's trunks. Does anyone know how many trunks where on board of...
  13. Titanic passengers who cancelled voyage

    True story... American millionaire and his wife book passage on the Titanic returning from a trip to confection shops in Europe. He was to bring back the secret that would build one of the best known American companies and found a town. AT the last minute, they decide to stay for a...
  14. J

    Prominent Non-Passengers Morgan and Hershey

    Someone told me that ther were some of the Hershey family on Titanic but I can't find them on the list. Does anybody know if that is true.