
  1. North Atlantic Pilot Chart

    North Atlantic Pilot Chart

    Part of a July 1910 pilot chart showing the main routes across the Atlantic. Courtesy of an ET member.
  2. H

    Did George Bowyer disembark Titanic at Cherbourg?

    I was rereading On a Sea of Glass today for research and in the footnotes, it stated that "according to descendants of George Bowyer", he did not leave the Titanic in the Solent via a pilot boat but instead sailed on to Cherbourg. The reason being they could save time lost from leaving...
  3. H

    Name of Pilot Boat: Southampton or Isle of Wight

    A bit of a trivial question but I need to confirm /find out.... Does anyone know the name of this pilot boat (If it is a pilot boat), where George Bowyer disembark aboard the Titanic and if so, did this boat came from Southampton or the Isle of wright? I heard a rumour the boat's called the...
  4. H

    Pilot's cabin

    I gather that a cabin would be permanently reserved for the ship's pilot in case he was unable to leave the ship. Can anyone tell me exactly where it was on Titanic?