
  1. Gokul Gopan

    Question Casting propellers

    When was the propellers of Titanic casted? I've seen props ready to be fitted at a time around February 1912 from the only genuine footage of Titanic available. Was it done around late December?(Just my guess). Has it been ever confirmed as to when? Regards, Gokul Gopan
  2. Aurélien WOLFF

    correcting the central propeller on titanic models?

    Hello, since most models got the 4 blades propeller, I wonder how hard it'd be to correct it to 3, maybe cutting the blades and arranging them to get to the correct number? Thanks for your answers, it seems the only recent model with the correct propeller is the trumpeter 1/200 kit.
  3. Close up of Starboard propeller on wreck

    Close up of Starboard propeller on wreck

  4. S

    Propeller notice boards

    I just read this yesterday. The Case for the Color of Titanic’s Propeller Warning Notice Boards Being Black and White Any thoughts?
  5. Phil Ciborowski

    That center prop question

    Hello all - long time lurker, finally got off the sidelines. This might be a bit of a silly question but... I have read and seen that the damage caused by the collision was examined by sonar through the mud with enough detail to show the lack of the massive gash, but has anyone done anything...
  6. M

    Olympic's Propellers

    Hello ! I was wondering if someone knew the Olympic's exact position (in degrees) in the North Atlantic when she lost a propeller blade on February 24, 1912 ? According to this site, the collision occured about 750 miles off the Newfoundland coast. This is the only information I have...
  7. Cam Houseman

    Did Boxhall row under the propellers?

    Hi y'all So did Mr. Fourth Officer Boxhall indeed pass under the Propellers? Lifeboat No. 2 left the Portside around 1:45am, with 18 people aboard. which is near the time that the forecastle and Forward Well Deck went under (1:55-2:05am) Day 3 (American Inquiry) Senator SMITH. Did you ever...
  8. Encyclopedia Titanica


    Newly found evidence documents changes to Titanics propeller configuration... Titanica! Mon, 26 Oct 2020
  9. Rudder


  10. Kevin P Tischer

    Propeller Walk or Propeller Effect

    Does anybody know what the propeller effect or propeller walk would have been like on a triple screw Olympic-class ship like Titanic?
  11. Aristide

    Where are Titanic's propeller cones?

    Does anyone know where Titanics propeller cones are? When you see the wreck you notice they appear to be gone? They appear to be missing on both outer propellers? When you watch old pictures of Olympic and Britannic both have cones on their propellers so its weird they are missing on...
  12. Jessie M.

    Propeller Blades

    So after watching a couple snippets of James Cameron's Titanic I found an interesting line said by an extra that goes a little something like this... First Class Female Passenger: I felt a shudder, is everything alright? Butler: Nothing to worry about Miss, we've likely just thrown a Propeller...
  13. J

    Answered Where is the thrust block for the turbine's center shaft?

    I have looked through the profiles and deck plan and do not see the thrust block for the turbine's center shaft. I see the main engine thrust blocks plainly marked. The turbine must have a thrust block especially being a very sensitive piece of hardware. Usually the thrust block isn't built into...
  14. Aelvir

    HMT Olympic model’s propellers

    A model of RMS Olympic I purchased online came in the other day. Upon inspecting it, I happened to notice something odd about her propellers. All three seem to be four-blades propellers. Which is odd, because her propellers has always been notes as “Two bronze three-bladed wing propellers. One...
  15. T

    Propeller Shaft Tunnel Architecture

    I'm quite ignorant of ship construction so this may be a silly question. I'm trying to understand the architecture of the propeller shaft tunnel. I'm looking at a tank top deck plan, from WTB "N" and aft. Starting at WTB N, this deck plan starts showing regularly spaced vertical line segments...
  16. IanMcD

    The Jack Grimm propeller photo or image?

    Jack Grimm mounted expeditions in the early 1980s to locate the wreck of the Titanic. The ships used in the search towed sonar devices and apparently one of them captured an image that supposedly looked like a ship's propeller. Grimm thought it belonged to the Titanic but this was never...
  17. LukeW17

    The propellers being exposed

    Hi all When were the propellers exactly exposed from the water as the stern was pulled up? Was it late or early on in the sinking? Many CGI videos and Cameron’s movie itself show them rising minutes before the final plunge and break up? But would they become atleast partly visible earlier due...
  18. Encyclopedia Titanica

    The mystery of Titanic's central propeller
  19. A

    Vibration Caused by Lost Propeller Blade

    The collision with the iceberg was described as a "jar" followed by a long vibration. Quartermaster Rowe thought they were going full speed astern and immediately reeled in the log line, but we know from engine room survivors that the engines did not go full astern during or immediately after...
  20. A

    Where the Propellers Damaged?

    Correction - Were not Where. :rolleyes: Survivors believed there was something wrong with the propellers or something wrong with the engines themselves and how the ship went slow ahead after the collision. Were they testing the propellers? Were they damaged? Joseph Wheat: Q - As you...