recovery of victims

  1. Seumas

    Was Any Effort Made To Involve The RN & USN In Recovering The Dead ?

    I was just wondering ... Is there any record of anyone (prominent survivors, politicians, WSL, IMM) attempting to get the governments of Britain and the USA to have the Royal Navy and the United States Navy assist with recovering the bodies ? Surely both navies could have easily spared an old...
  2. J

    Identification of drowned passengers

    Hi, l am new to your group. My grand mother, born 1881, used to tell me stories about the Titanic disaster. I've read many books and seen all the films, but l can find no stories about one of the things she told me. She said that coffins were lined up (l can't remember where) containing some of...
  3. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Description of recovered bodies
  4. R

    Morning After: Where were the bodies?

    apologies if this has been discussed already...but i always wondered why the Carpathia didn't see any bodies floating at the wreck site the morning after .. did they drift away ? When officer Lowe went back on what i'm sure was a nightmarish scene he would never forget..he must have discovered...