return voyage

  1. RonJF2

    Bruce Ismay on the Adriatic return voyage 5/2/1912

    Hello, Does anyone know what cabin Bruce Ismay had on his return voyage from New York to England aboard the Adriatic after the U.S. Inquiry? Was he just a "regular passenger" on that ship as he allegedly was on the Titanic? Also isn't it interesting that when he left aboard the Adriatic he sent...
  2. rosiem

    Luggage trunk for return voyage

    I recently inherited my great grans luggage trunk that was booked to sail on the return voyage, it has the White Star stickers on the side. I remember as a child being told the story about her working in the US and how she was due to sail back to the UK. I wanted to know if there is anywhere I'd...
  3. M

    Where and when was Titanic's next voyage if she didn't sink

    Where was the Titanic scheduled to go after the maiden voyage? Who was to be aboard? Was the captain retiring after the maiden voyage? If so, who was the new captain assigned? Were the fares lower for subsequent voyages? How many voyages were booked/scheduled for this glorious ship? Many...
  4. J

    Titanic Schedule After New York

    Is there any record of where the Titanic was supposed to go after New York? Or any record of which ships those passengers who were to embark on the Titanic in New York did eventually go on? My grandparents were to board the Titanic in New York and I am trying to find out which ship they...
  5. Mike Poirier

    Return Voyage

    I read somewhere that the Titanic was book full for the return half of the maiden voyage. Was the list ever publised as sometimes the newspapers of the day published who was travelling on what ship? I can only imagine the illustrious names booked on the retun half.