rms titanic

  1. T

    Everett Edward Elliott

    Hi all, I haven't seen a thread for coal trimmer Everett Edward Elliott so I thought I would start one. Please comment with any info you have and don't hesitate to contact me directly at [email protected]. Everett Edward Elliott was my grandfather's uncle and he died at some point in the...
  2. William Oakes

    Need help identifying dive and shrunken styrofoam cup

    I purchased this shrunken styrofoam cup from an auction. The seller stated that he aquired the item at an estate sale in Iowa. He provided no provenance, but I bought it at a really good price. It is dated 9/11/06, as you can see in the attached images. Anybody have a clue if there was a dive in...
  3. K

    Windows CoPilot

    I asked Windows CoPilot to draw a painting of Captain Smith, but sadly:
  4. Arun Vajpey

    William Henry Tornquist

    William Henry Törnquist : Titanic Survivor I remembered Tornquist after reading a post about August Johnson (Johansson) recently and looking up the details on ET. Those two men, along with William Cahoone Johnson Jr., Lionel Leonard, Alfred Carver and Thomas Storey were employees of the...
  5. E

    Transmigrants on board Titanic?

    Regarding Debbie Beavis’ book, ‘Who Sailed on Titanic? Based on the Board of Trade passenger list, I’m trying to determine the names and ticket numbers of 10 transmigrants that boarded Titanic at Southampton. On page 25 Debbie writes, “Nor was Titanic particularly unusual in having twenty 2nd...
  6. TonyAlleyne


    Biopic - Titanic April 10 - 1912 Letter Movie Prop George Henry Hunt In 2021 a team of film makers began a campaign to raise funds for a Biopic based on a letter written by, George Henry Hunt - a passenger who boarded R.M.S. Titanic at Southampton April 10th 1912. George Henry Hunt...