
  1. M

    Galleon San Jose (1708)
  2. N

    Nomadic plans

    The maker of these plans is by Mervyn Pritchard. I find it frustrating that there is no clearer image of this particular plan as far as i've searched, This has a better line plan and what i presume are the frames spacings for the line plan. I hate that it's large but the image itself is...
  3. N

    Traffic plans

    Are there any plans for the Tender SS Traffic that exist? Plans for the Nomadic exist but for some reason, plans for Traffic don't. Does anyone know if there is any and where to find them?
  4. Ghostly Tales from the Titanic

    When the R.M.S. Titanic sank on April 15 1912 it claimed 1496 lives with only 712 survivors. The R.M.S. Carpathia picked up the survivors and returned to New York City arriving on April 18. She had originally departed New York four days earlier. When the Carpathia arrived at Pier 54 upwards of...
  5. M

    Deepest part of wreck explored

    General question. Does anyone know if there are plans for deeper exploration into Titanic. I do believe the furthest on the bow section was the Turkish baths by Jim Cameron. I also wonder if it was possible to reach the pool since it was next to Turkish baths. I have heard it was destroyed. Is...
  6. One of Australia's biggest maritime mysteries solved after 50 years

    The 50-year-old  mystery of an Australian ship that capsized, killing three crew members, has been solved. The CSIRO said today it had found the wreck of the MV Blythe Star, a coastal freighter that disappeared off Tasmania five decades ago...
  7. K

    Lusitania escort

    When Lusitania was scheduled to arrive in Liverpool on 6 March 1915, Trade Division signalled Lusitania at Cunard’s request, relaying: ,”Owners advise keep well out. Time arrival to cross bar without waiting.” Admiral Henry Oliver also sent two destroyers, HMS Laverock and HMS Louis to...
  8. World War II shipwreck of SS Montevideo Maru, which sank with over 1,000 POWs, found in South China Sea

    CNN — A Japanese merchant ship that sank during World War II while carrying over 1,000 prisoners of war in Australia’s largest loss of life at sea has been found. The Montevideo Maru was discovered off the northwest coast of the Philippines’ Luzon island at a depth of more than 4,000 meters...
  9. A Chronology of Shipwrecks on Film

    Filmmakers have long had an insatiable fascination with the shipwreck: the awesome, towering walls of water, the deafening roar of the wind, the high drama of that inevitable “we’re going under” moment. The onscreen shipwreck promises both visual magnificence and emotional grandeur. It is, in a...
  10. Principe de Asturias sunk 1916

    Since everyone is talking about this ship on Discord. I had started to make a new thread for anyone to talk about the ship. Feel free to add things like theories of how did it sank in the ocean, deskplan of the ship and the history of the ship. I had made my theory of how did the ship sank and...
  11. Should there be more shipwreck films?

    It would be nice to see drama films as epic as James Cameron's 1997 Titanic based on the sinkings of the Birkenhead, Central America, Arctic, Lusitania, and the Empress of Ireland. And a movie about the Edmund Fitzgerald in the style of The Perfect Storm, The Finest Hours, and In the Heart of...
  12. Titanic VR

    Hi This is my first post here so let me introduce myself. I'm David the C.E.O of Immersive VR Education Ltd and we are currently building a VR game / experience that will allow you to experience the sinking and explore the shipwreck. The shipwreck exploration section will be out...
  13. A

    What other seafaring and maritime disasters interest you?

    Hi all, The topic for this month: What other examples of seafaring and maritime disasters are of the most interest to you? Are there other ships that have been lost, be they in war or peacetime, which you feel are deserving of more attention? Do you feel, perhaps, that these have been...
  14. Ship of Haunts: the other Titanic story

    Hello everyone Ship of Haunts: the other Titanic story is a time-crossing ghost story about Titanic, child migration and life as a ghost under the sea. It's currently available FREE as an e-book on Amazon until Sunday (19 August 2012). Ship of Haunts: the other Titanic story...
  15. J

    Still Unfound

    What intriguing shipwrecks are still unfound? Thinking back to pre-1985, the TITANIC was a complete mystery...a famous shipwreck that no one had found (unless you think that Grimm's "propeller" was correct). What famous shipwrecks have yet to be located? Waratah? Any others?
  16. I

    HMT Rhona worst loss of US troops at sea

    The 61st anniversary of the loss of 1,015 American troops at sea just passed. The British troopship HMT Rohna was lost off North Africa with the deaths of 1,138 people on 26th November 1943. The 8,602-ton Rohna had departed from Oran, Algeria bound for Bombay, India via the Suez Canal...
  17. HMS Audacious' Wreck

    Hi! I was researching more deeply into the Audacious again today: As I am sure many people know, she was sunk by a mine roughly twenty miles out of Lough Swilly on the North-Eastern Irish coast on October 27th 1914, and before she sank she blew up — an explosion which was seen twenty...