
  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Emily Richards and sons
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Major Arthur Peuchen, Wife, Son and Daughter
  3. J Burdette

    Harold Bride Son Named After Phillips?

    My apologies if this had already been discussed previously. I came across a website that says Harold Bride's son was named John Phillip Bride and called Jack. Is it possible Bride had named his son after his colleague John George 'Jack' Phillips or was it just a coincidence?
  4. G

    His son

    dose anyone know his sons identity? i've looked but i can find no name.
  5. V

    Thomas Quinn Senior and his son

    My great, great grandfather was Mr Thomas Quinn who was on the Lusitania when it sank. His son was also on his first voyage and was also called Thomas Quinn. Grandfather was one of the witnesses in the crows nest who saw evidence of the torpedo coming towards the ship. Unfortunately, when the...
  6. S

    Robert Steel Snr and his son

    my grandfathers uncle and grandfather were both on the titanic - both named robert (edward) steele. Only one was officially recognised - we always thought it was robert snr - they were both trimmers. Robert snr was already working on the titanic - his son apparently decided to join him at...
  7. M

    Mrs Allison searching for her son or refused to leave her husband

    i have been doing some research on this and would like some opinions/help or any kind of co operation even if its to tell me my research has been a big waste of time lol. I have been searching for anything which says that Bess Allison was searching for Trevor. i have been told that Alice...
  8. M

    The Hippach's sons / daughters

    Bio on this site says they were returning to U.S. after death of 2 daughters in Iriquois Theatre fire. A recently published book on Titanic survivors refers to two sons. Does anyone have definitive info?
  9. A

    West Family & the Unknown Son

    Hi, I am looking for information regarding the Edwy Arthur West family that was on board. I have read the biographies on this site and they have been very helpful, but I have a few more questions that maybe someone can help me out with: 1) From what I gather, Ada West was pregnant while on...