sos titanic

  1. Matthew Q

    S.O.S Titanic Uncut

    For years, I've heard tales of the original version of S.O.S Titanic, but as a person born in '94, I never had the pleasure of watching it for myself in its original format. There are ancient posts from the turn of the millennium with people on this forum having copies of their own, but as...
  2. J

    SOS Titanic (1979)

    The main thread for this movie. What did you think of it?
  3. 1

    What is Renee Harris saying when she's walking down the staircase

    since I'm writing my screenplay... I'm including elements from sos titanic... especially the scene when rene takes a fall down the stairs... can anyone tell me what she's saying when she's walking down the staircase? from 3:53 onwards
  4. Arun Vajpey

    Actors appearing in more than one Titanic film

    I know only of David Warner who appeared in SOS Titanic as Lawrence Beesley and as the fictitious Spicer Lovejoy in Cameron's Titanic. Is there any other instance of an actor or actress appearing in more than one titanic film, even in minor roles?
  5. G

    Tune Madeleine And Astor

    Does anyone knows the name of the tune playing when Astor invites Madeleine for their last dance at the dinner saloon???
  6. C

    SOS Titanic

    Has anyone read it? It's not too bad, but the author really didn't have much knowledge as to how the ship was designed. Anyway, it's a good story, but it's at a early reading level.
  7. J

    SOS Titanic is on TV tommorow at 225 PM

    just if anyone in Great Britain wants to know S.O.S Titanic will be on TV tommorow on channel 4 from 2:25 PM - 4:35 PM.but im afraid i dont know if its the long or short version.
  8. D

    SOS Titanic DVD, Online, etc.

    Where can I find the "long version" of SOS Titanic? Thanks, David
  9. J

    SOS Titanic Soundtrack

    Hello all! I was digging though my various Titanic cd's and had a very good time listening to my favourite ragtime tunes. One of my favourites is "Elite Syncopations" by Joplin. I am a huge fan of S.O.S. Titanic, the 1970's movie starring David Janssen and Susan St.James. I was wondering if...
  10. Mike Poirier

    SOS Titanic

    I was wondering if we had any music afficinados who could name the piece playing when David Jannsen ( JJ Astor ) tells Beverly Ross ( Madeline ) that he is too old to be cavorting around the dance floor. It is a beautiful waltz tune.
  11. C


    Hi, I would like to know what you're thoughts are about SOS TITANIC, doe's anyone out they're like this movie? I enjoyed watching it, Although it is not my favorite Titanic movie. What do you the people think? you're thoughts are appreciated. thanks Chloe